2020 Spring EV Calls for You

MoS Spring 2020

Calling all Mobster Lobsters!

Calling all MoS Lobs of Mini Mobs’

(Masters of Succession

Mini Mobs, Masters of Beneficial Succession’s,

Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis)

A February Ecological City Presentation

2/4 MOS instigator dd Maucher is presenting biotextiles:  Wednesday at Loisaida Center, 710 E 9th St 6:30 for the Ecological City Pageant with Earthcelebrations.com


Feb. EV Wellness Circle

at Grace Space 2/9. 2-5pm Jocelyn Perez Blanca herbalist is presenting Fire Cider plus whatever else we manifest.


Feb. Daniel Memorial Performances

2/9 Daniel Polnau, Magic Maker from the Land of Yes Memorial Closing performances at MoRUS 4-8 pm Ave C

Feb. & March EV Unified Plan

At Grace Andrew, Center For Bioregional Living, Stewart Hoyt, myself and others will be drawing an EV map on the north wall. It’s a permaculture design plan that unifies the community vision.

March EV Wellness Circle Second Sunday

3/6 Grace Exhibition Space is launching the initiative: Water, Birds, Life with performance‘s. Grace-Exhibition-Space.org

March Biotextile Workshops

3/4,11,18 Wednesday’s MOS participants dd Maucher & friends teach mycelium prop making & kombucha biotextile for Earth Celebrations


MARCH Build & Prep

The Beautifying Pushcarts of Ave C

Workshops for April SPRING AWAKENING:   goal is at least 6 creative pushcarts & leads. Join us as artist, scientist, ecology, biology  accumulators, pushers & upcycled cart builders. Categories: Phyto, micro, myco, moss, mollusk & me (accumulate for example: flowers, soil, worms, Bokashi, fungi, kelp, moss, oysters to eat and shells to save, medicinals & added value products like salves or tinctures)

What’s easy to accumulate in your lifestyle?

  • make carts: accumulate materials: wheels etc… to make 6 cool carts. ⚙️
  • plants for tree pits, pots & trellises for building vines
  • Soil, compost, Bokashi, worms, lady bugs
  • Oyster mushroom spawn grain glow in the dark mushrooms?
  • Collect waste moss from projects but do not extract it.
  • Cultivate mussels and kelp Do not extract but grow more.
  • Oysters to eat. Save shells
  • Collect make things to sell from garden offerings.

3/8 EV Wellness Circle Second Sunday


April Bioremediating Sculpture Collaborations!

There’s lots of making and collecting  materials that are a by-product of you’re potential lifestyle. (Accumulate resources & materials as you live. Resource from symbiotic relationships.)

What’s you’re pleasure?

  • Braid Phragmites reeds for a raft that will pull toxins from water column
  • Weave weeping willow for 6 spherical baskets for oyster cages.
  • Sew & collect hair & oyster fungi for 2 mycobooms remediate water surface oils
  • Design seed mosaics for migratory birds.
  • Kombucha Leather for water probiotics
  • Mud balls for sediment to eat waste and break down toxins
  • Grow kelp to deacidify water and sequester co2.
  • Rig the sculpture to to go over the Railing into the East River.

May 9 Ecological City Pageant

What’s your pleasure?

Floats: bike w pushcarts & costumes & sculpture

  • MOS Collective videographer
  • Side walk graffiti artists
  • Compost and soil amenders
  • Tree stewards w pruners
  • Flower planting people
  • Myco installations and myco costume that offers parts of itself to gardens.  Costume might be very skimpy at the end.
  • Silver Slug slimers
  • Crew to Rig the sculpture to lift over the railing into the East River.

The Beautifying Push Cart Brigade

Calling Mobsters Lobsters:


Rent these cool carts & make by vending while bioremediating & beautifying

  • May Loisaida Festival
  • June Dance Parade ?
  • Whenever u like sell stuff
  • Summer Block parties


Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/2020-spring-calls-for-you/

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