4. Everything

August 10, 2011

Permaculture Tour Israel Sept 2011

Noa Peled is hosting a very important inspirational PC tour in Israel! http://tour.ecodoc.co.il/ (The map is interactive on the web site.)
August 10, 2011

Permaculture Jordon Conference ’11

Permaculture Jordon Conference 2011 with Bill Mollison, Special Guest. Sept. 2011.
August 5, 2011

Are we filtering the wrong microbes?

Jessica Green: Are we filtering the wrong microbes?
August 5, 2011

Permaculture in the NYTimes

Permaculture Movement Grows from Underground 2011/07/28 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/28/garden/permaculture-emerges-from-the-underground.html?_r=2&emc=eta1 (this is late bc the upload failed on the 29th so I’m redoing the upload)