Here are some ways you can get involved:
• SUBSCRIBE to The Mailing List
• INVITE MOS to collaborate & add to your event
• ENGAGE with us through F & T
• ATTEND an event
• CONTRIBUTE to our blog
• CONTRIBUTE financially or sponsor
• JOIN a committee
• HOST an event we can help
To BE A MoS Collective Participant! :) Co-create for at least 10 hours a year to be an official Participant.
TO BECOME A MoStownian:
MoS Townians are more than all the above… it is a group of like-minded people seeking to participate, create, collaborate, or lead with the intention of building the new town in our town. Contact us for that LiST-serve.
Everyone is invited and no one is not invited (unless you want to make the air water and soil worse.) A real town has everyone in it. It doesn’t matter where you live because where you live you can create a town of beneficial succession and make connections to other towns. Make a direct connection with other towns people by sharing your excess or having someone fulfill a need of yours. The bottom line of everything that happens in this “town” results in healthier water, air and soil. We are not making things worse as a by product of our existence but better. Create healthy and regenerative succession of life around you.
Contribute to being.
1. Interactive offerings: workshops: Experiential Crafting/Teaching/Facilitating
2. Prepping for Events: signage, graphics, organizing materials, transporting materials
3. Photography/Filmography
4. Abundance Map and MoS Town online
5. web site
For more information about short volunteering opportunities please Contact us.
Please send us a paragraph about why you want to contribute while learning, what you hope to get out of it and what you hope to contribute. Then come in to meet us. Internships for college credit are available at various lengths of time and frequency. For more information about short volunteering opportunities please Contact us.
RESIDENCY (MoS East Village, NYC Location):
On-going rolling applicants. Please Contact us if interested.
Building relationships with ourselves, each other and the earth. The bottom line of all MoS-anything aims to have a by-product of leaving behind healthier water, air & soil & people.