MoS Mud Villages
The farm, the garden, the place will become the urban core of the village. MoS town is off-the-grid of course and uses locally sourced food and goods as much as possible- and all that.
As succession has it: the more mud-townians work independently in symbiotic relationships the more freedom we have. The more empowered and creative we are allowed to be the more effective as workers and economically happy.
We try to use materials from within town, we use appropriate technologies and the most advanced science nature can teach us. Mud village supports independent, empowered, expressive people. We gain in health, happiness and wealth as a result, We are creating this in only a moment in time – in unison with a dream. Beneficial Succession Time… humm. Could this be a different sense of time as well? Yes I believe so.
On the Activity People’s List we list the resources of each village activity and the by-product. Each activity will be situated in Mud Village center to best utilize each others by-products (resources/wastes) and offer its’ abundance.