5/11 Regenerative Plaza & Mud Ball Ball 9


5/11 Saturday 

The 9th Ephemeral Regenerative Plaza & Village Center: 


El Jardin Del Paraiso,  311 E. 4th St, NY NY 10009  between C/D

1:40 pageant

3:30-5:00 we walk  to East River Promenade

We join together to create a regenerative plaza & village center.

Hosts: MoS Collective & East Village Wellness Circle, Ecological City, Parsons/New School teachers: Kimberly & Maika’i & guest artist/teacher Dee Dee Maucher. Students offer Expressions of Regenerative Culture”.

Part 1   

THE ReGENERATIVE Plaza: a VIllage center.


There will be creatively designed activities that have the by-product of beneficial succession of air, water, soil and selves.  

Lastly we all aim to be symbiotically connect in our regenerative activities, services, products, people, waste streams or by-products. It is an experiment in living lifestyles of bioremediation & symbiosis.

To join as a villager contact us!! 

Part 2


Wendy At Eljardin Del Paraiso speaking about EV Wellness Circle

2018 Water Ceremony: East Village Representing EV Wellness Circle: Wendy Henry, Marta, Daniela.

1:40 the Ecological City Pageant arrives at the garden the EV Wellness Circle participants in the village will offer a soundscape by Tess Rose and aromatic herbs by Parsons students. The offering represents the climate solution wholistic wellness in the Ecological City. 

ecological City water ceremony at Green Oasis

2018 Ecological City water ceremony at Green Oasis

Part 3    


2018 Eco Pageant East River : The bees. photo ddmaucher

2018 Eco Pageant East River: the bees

Location East River Park Amphitheater 

We procession to the river with the Ecological City.  We will throw water bioremediating mudballs and lower the MoS Collective floating bioremediating Sculpture.

2018 Floating bioremediating sculpture MoSCollective (dd & Marta & nick, Tess).  Photo by ddmaucher

2018 Ecological City Pageant Water Bioremediating Sculpture: gift for the river

For more details on the Ecological City Pageant Schedule :  Earthcelebrations.com.


Page link: http://moscollective.net/WP/regenerative-plaza-mudball-9/


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