Fall 2020
Summer 2020
Mos Labs FANTASTICAL FUTURES at Grace Exhibition Space
Skill shares, Workshops, Wellness
3. JUNE MoS Labs at GRACE Fantastical Futures
EV Wellness Circle Community Ear Seeds with Acumobile/CRREW
Wendy Henry, Rachel Kaplan and Dominik Echenstein
2. JUNE MoS Labs at GRACE Fantastical Futures
1. JUNE MoS Labs at GRACE Fantastical Futures
Hot Sauce history and challenge by Elliot
Visitor from an advanced civilization living in a network of air caverns under the sea.
She is here to observe and will help. She shapeshifts symbiosis extremus to explore and understand, to survive.
2020 Seafoam on Vimeo 35 min
pW seafoam20
2013 Lichen 1 min
pw moslobs
2014 Gooseberry Island 1 min
2014 The Happy Monk 1 min
June 14, 2020 MoS Labs at GRACE:
dd’s VLog End of long day overview.
June 2020 MoS Labs
Lily’s Mud ball Tutorial On the Plaza
by Lily Kaplan, Rachel Kalplan and edited by ddmaucher
June 7, 2020 MoS Labs at GRACE
Mud Love Ceremony and Plant Gift Away
May 9, 2020 MoS Labs at Grace
A Bioremediating puppet show ECO CITY. Solo by dd
April, 2020 MoS Labs at GRACE
Day 4 dd’s Vlog Superfoods Us and Earth
March 11, 2020 MoS Labs At 6th St Community Center
SCOBY lesson for Earth Celebrations Ecological City
Winter 2020
2/12/2020 PlanLES Walk the North Stream part 1 of 3
with Stewart Hoyt & dd Maucher
1/2020 EV Wellness Circle & PlanLES at Grace
Hosted by EVWC’s MoS’s DD, GES’s Jill McDermid,
Andrew Faust, Center for Bioregional Living
Talk: “Water, Birds & Life Initiative”
Facebook online by Jana.
Part 1. LES Plan Initiative Intro
by dd Maucher (horse voice made it short n sweet)
Part 2. EV Wellness Circle Mint Tincture Workshop
by Jocelyn Perez Blanco.
Part 3. Introduction “Water, Birds & Life Initiative”
by Jill McDermid & Andrew Faust
Part 4. Andrew Faust Permaculture Slide presentation
2019 Fall
Urban Soil Institute Conference
A. 10/13/2019 Nature walk at Floyd Bennet Field
B. 10/13/2019 Soil Pit Analysis Tour at Floyd Bennet Field
2019 summer
Annual Throw Figment Stockpile of Beneficial Mud balls (2012)
By Michael Von Patten
08/2019 The Hula Hoop Seed Spreaders Dune Grass
pw mini mos lobs
06/2019 MôS Labs at Clearwater Hula Hoop Seed Spreaders
2019 Spring
MôS Labs Bioremediating Floating a Sculpture
1. 5/2019 MôS Labs Sculpture
Filmed by NYU student for Earth Celebrations
2. 5/2019 MoS Labs Sculpture Floating Away Bioremediating
5/2019 Ephemeral Piazza
With Parsons/New School, El Jardin Del Paraiso, MoS Collective,
EVWC, Loisaida Center and Earth Celebrations
2015 Mud Balls 60 kids
2015 Ephemeral Piazza & Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls
at Figment on Governor’s Island
by Masters of Succession in fine Piazza formation
By Matt Belen from Leave It Better
2012 MoS Collective Crushing dirt
2012 Figment Stockpile of Beneficial Mud balls
By Michael Von Patten
6/2011 MoS Mini Golf #7
Figment annual course: Theme: “bugs”
The Composting Micro Bug Food Spiral in action.
6/2011 Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls.
First ever throw in USA.
Encounters the Little League at Figment on Governors Island
5/2011 Making the mud ball bazooka
2011 Outdoor Plaza with Richard Register
2011 Eric Lancaster Societal Design with EM-1
Parking Lot turns Snow Plaza! Coffee at the strip mall.
Imagine a pedestrian plaza instead of the parking lot.
The parking can be a grotto like mossy stalactite cavern above
which is a hill of fruiting trees and bushes upon which to roam
and tumble by dd maucher
2010 Pick a Place, Montreal
2008 Rob – Reston & Pimmet Hills
2008 Robert E Simon Jr. on piano at 93 yrs old.
Founder of Reston and former owner of Carnegie Hall 1925-1960
Permalink http://moscollective.net/WP/videos/