5/11 Giant Beneficial Mud Ball Photoshoot & Picnic
Sunday May 11, noon – 2
East River Williamsburg
North 9th St walk to water.
Join MoS expert Paper Mashe maker Rolando Politi aka kappo kappino, as we launch our giant beneficial mud ball: our silent advocate into the East River for a photoshoot.
Noon at the waterfront at North 9th Street!
Wear lab coats and glasses if you have.. I don’t have any.
Picnic if you so choose– MoS events love food and fizzy!
It is a very heavy mud ball so we need lots of energy foods.
Then we ride to a birthday picnic!
June 1 Come to
The Beneficial MudBall Ball!
• A Bioremediation Celebration •
Sunday, June 1, 3-7pm
El Jardin Del Paraiso
Ave C/D 4th St. NYC
Maker Picnic, toad’s village kingdom.
Adventure with The Masters Of Succession as we celebrate the abundant lifestyles that bioremediation & symbiosis bring us.
Rsvp https://swww.eventbrite.com/e/the-mud-ball-ball-tickets-1286892129″>https://swww.eventbrite.com/e/the-mud-ball-ball-tickets-1286892129
Photo is the interior prior to finish.