10/16 The Obelisk Dimension


As part of MöS Labs Residency at Grace Exhibition Space The Microbes to Metropolis Journey toward Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession celebrates Phase 5: “Doodling the Future” we present Omer Gal of Cookie Tongue. He will perform virtually and inside the window glass “The Obelisk Dimension.”

8 pm

The evening starts with with Microbes to Metropolis’ Phase 4 Asset Mapping with storytelling. It is every Friday in October at 6pm. Facilitated by JK Canepa. It’s a physically distanced, amplified Loisaida story telling circle.

Bring extra layers because the plaza can be very windy and cold or not windy at all. In the evening the wind calms down fortunately but ya never know.

10/23 Next Friday at 2pm we are designing doodle town in the window & the tree pit.
Activated and performed by DD Maucher and Stewart Hoyt.

JK Canepa facilitating our LES Story Circle For Micro-Metro Phase 4 Asset Mapping.

JK Canepa facilitating our LES Story Circle For Micro-Metro Phase 4 Asset Mapping.



Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/1016-the-obelisk-dimension/


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