10/3 MoS Offerings at Harvest Arts Festival


We are participating outside at Grace Exhibition Space 182 Ave C plus all around Gardens there is amazing art & music.
Sat 12-4 pm

Last chances to experience the fantastical journey of Microbes to Metropolis by MoS MoBS LoBS Labs.




1. On the “Plaza of the Wind” JC Augustin will help w LES data acquisitions and we will follow up with asset mapping   with “C-Tawk” Show. He’ll be with a microphone catalyzing plaza serendipities adding poetry, prying into your shopping bags, loving your look!

JC talk 981D1CC9-03D3-4F03-AC97-3AB412E9E0A7

2. Think about are your 5 favorite LES places. So we can add & tag them to the Green Map.


3. DD will amend herself with the bioremediation technologies inside. Our phase 1 will amend the soil with microbes. The  hpmmmmm ingredients that support wellness of self, connectivity & earth.


4. Leave with a glow and a bag of potting soil.

Full schedule : Lungsnyc.org

Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/103-harvest-arts-festival/

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