10/30 MoS at Grace Culmination!
Gratitude, Stories & performance.
MoS Labs is culminating a 6 month residency! Join Dee Dee Maucher to say thank you to Jill McDermid & Erik Hokanson for this space and to you for our shared experiences over this challenging time. We have supported one another and hopefully grown and adapted with beneficial succession. Let’s gather those of us who participated in these offerings outside of Grace— from growing community kale, tomatoes and basil to healing earth and selves by walking through the 6 chapters in the MoS MoBS LoBS Lab journey Microbes to Metropolis.
1/30/2020 outside of Grace Exhibition Space, 182 Ave C, NYC 10009.
5:30 Grace gratitude stories by dd maucher. More stories lead by MoS Labs’ JK Canepa. Chronicle 1: Chapter 4, Section 5
7-8 Three Doodletown Performances by MoS Labs by piazza people. Chronicle 1, Chapter 5, section 1
Doodletown made by DD Maucher with JC, Elisa and Stewart.
Elisa Blynn & DD Maucher
Shakti Smith & Stewart Hoyt
MC: JC Augustin
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Please contribute to the ioby crowdfunding campaign! Plus There’s a limited time matching challenge! Keep us growing the chronicles with expanding community over the winter. Chip in $20 to keep all out offerings are free.
Click HERE https://ioby.org/project/plaza-wind-offerings
Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/1030-friday-stories-gratitude/