10/5 You’re Invited: The Fall Mud Ball! Update 7

The 4th Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Mud Ball & the Ephemeral Piazza:  A Fall Mud Ball  at Smiling Hogshead Ranch — a bioremediation serendipity project to behold!

Did you go?  Click mailing list for Winter Mud Ball Invite
To participate CLICK to contact us!
10/5  PHOTOS!!  The Fall Mud Ball and Ephemeral Piazza  (picasa/google)


design update 15 9/24 at 11pm

October 5th, 2014 at 3-7pm
Mark your calendar.
Share short link:

• RSVP on Eventbrite. (RSVP is also Raffle ticket!)


design Update 13 9/23: Click image for quarter pg Black/White 4.35″ flyer

The Fall Mud Ball at
Smiling Hogshead Ranch
25-30 Skillman Ave., Queens, NY

MAP LINK:  http://goo.gl/maps/55iZB
ake 7 train, second stop in Queens, Hunters Point Stop. Walk to Skillman Ave. Walk past overhead bridge  –  there.  Flux Factory’s Utopia School. (both on FB)


1. KAYAK: Morning kayaking Photo Bio Blitz with HarborLAB Educators and Scientists.
limited Kayaks. They will be recording their studies at the Piazza on a map. Sign up at HarborLAB.org or FB

2. BIKE:
Every-Week-is-Climate-Week Ride. We are riding bikes in a fancy tour to the Mud Ball from Tompkins Square!
Show up at Gaia Tree at 2pm/ 500 E 9th St NY NY: 
Bring your Fall Seed Balls, Beneficial Mud Balls, oyster shells and ok, bring your compost too.

3. JC’s Mud Ball PediCab: contact to get a pick up at the 7 train or look for Mud Ball Transit.

4. SAIL & STAY from CT to NYC. Leave the car at home.  Stay aboard 57 Ft Ketch Yacht from Sat – Monday! Celebrate Bioremediation & Symbiosis. Contact us below.

• Details
Join the adventure with The Masters of Succession! We are inspiring an empathic world while supporting and creating beneficial succession. We welcome you to participate (do what you want to do) while at The Ephemeral Piazza. Take a Sunday stroll through “the plaza”, stay for a picnic and a celebratory bio-remediation ball!

Our goal for the day is to dance, connect in ever so restful ways, enjoy, eat, make stuff, connect accidentally or just find a place to chill… do what you do. The ranch “Ephemeral Piazza” has lots of nooks & crannies. There will be lots to explore.

• WHAT to wear:
What you have on or… farm shoes, top hat – preferably biodegradable, tux pieces, billowing gowns to get caught in the quagmire, succession finery and regalia. An opportunity at the piazza to add adornments like bangles, fancy hats, fancy fabric pieces. A story will unfold.

• TIME: 3-7pm
The Village Ephemeral Piazza will take place 3-7pm which includes, in overlapping succession: Masters of Succession offerings, squishing, crushing, tumbling, stomping, connecting, eating and hammocking, a picnic potluck, live music, dancing, Q/A, ballroom jazz procession to the canal and auction as finale.

Try to come at 3 and stay to 7 to catch all the varied parts.

The intention is not to teach or discuss or forum, meet up or to be a festival but just live/do. We will all live outside of the conventional for a moment in time. It’s an effort to replace spiraling, toxic, polluting and exploitative cycles with other ideas– maybe some do not work but we will enjoy trying. Bring your life and enjoy the day– analyze before hand but not during. A village needs everyone so WELCOME to The Fall Mud Ball at the Ephemeral Piazza.

At the ranch we will set a scene, a stage, a town village piazza. We will have delicious food, healthy water, comfortable and safe shelter, some energy– the resources our community needs to explore our human potentials. With conscious technology, constant experimentation and “betterment making” we can build to restore ourselves, our food, and our environment even as a by-product of our decadent, often selfish and thrifty desires if combined with our communal nature, smart design, and our empathy for ourselves and each other..

• FINALE at the Fall Mud Ball: A dancing billowy procession to the creek 2 blocks through LIC’s cavernous industrial hardscape for our shell toss.  After back at the ball, Activity Participants offerings may be acquired, if available, and also auctioned off as part of the finale extravagance. Plan to stay for a succession of evolving finale thrills.

What would be alternative non-fire-fireworks? Perhaps a camp fire OR inaugural Cobb oven firing if it is finished!  Possibly seedballs smeared in glowing-goo from glow worms then shot from choreographed slingshots or robotics into the city sky.  What is your finale idea?

Your Beneficial Succession Activity (BSA) Participants

Submit click here or contact us directly.

At the piazza just do what you like. The only stipulation is that the activity has a thoughtful supply web, product or service and by-product that is of beneficial succession — moving toward — healthier air, water, soil and self. For this experience your offering doesn’t have to be perfect beneficial succession but at least look at the biggest ripple makers and try to make at least one part better.

INCENTIVE 1 for piazza participants:  Come for free! (oh, it is free)
AP’s will receive gifts from other AP’s BSA. If this works that’s 15 or so awesome Beneficial Succession Gifts (gifts that spiral toward your bliss and a better quality of our overall human life)

INCENTIVE 2 for piazza Activity Participants
eceive the priceless experience of living in a moment of beneficial-succession. (beyond sustainable) in one of MoS’s Mud Village Ephemeral Piazzas (momentary town centers)

These momentary piazza destinations evolved out of the MudBall Beneficial Mud Ball. The piazzas we create are now the containers in which we participate in the Mud Ball Ball. Many people globally grew up going to a piazza yet few Americans have lived that experience.

The actual locations of Ephemeral Piazzas are Masters of Succession approved spots marked on our Abundance Map. The EP network is in the growing bioregion of MoS. Let us know about your succession project and we can map it.

If you don’t fully understand, no problem, just come to observe & chat w interesting people!


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If you want to participate in any other way, auctioneer, procession captain, musician : buskers welcome, contact us.


FACEBOOK INVITE https://www.facebook.com/events/1469669146637761

ALSO PART of a curated Flux Factory project UTOPIA SCHOOL.org
Check out their calendar of classes. Some MoS activity people are teaching there.


*MoS Terms:
A “by-product” is someone’s or something’s waste, excess or leave behind — like a smell, tracks, drips, heat, seeds, oil, goo, fungus or accumulations of something, the indent in the middle of marble steps after centuries of use.
Beneficial Mud Balls : BMB
Abundance Map : AM
MoS Town : MT
Mud Village ; MV
Ephemeral Piazza : EP
Beneficial Succession : BS
Beneficial Succession Time : BST
Beneficial Succession Activity : BSA
Activity Participant People : APP
Beneficial Succession Gift : BSG

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