11/7-8-9 A NYC Permi Weekend

Fri, Sat & Sun:

MoS Collective collaborators, More Gardens, Smiling Hogshead Ranch, La Plaza Cultural and BK permaculture, Kelly Fragale, Andrew Faust.. we are working together this weekend!! join us!
Join New York City permaculture community for a full day of project implementation and actions throughout the city.

David Sugalski, aka The Polish Ambassador (Digital music), and Ayla Nereo are sending out the unexpected message as the tour cross the country / sold out in many cities. Live Music is Evolving.com quotes, Jasmine Fuego, a community organizer and dancer for the tour, “This is your opportunity to take control, to take back your power, to empower yourself, to be self-sufficient again, and to learn how to propagate your own life.”,

Mos Collective is inspired by this last minute announcement of a hundred or so volunteers being organized on Sunday as a result of their final end of tour show Sat night: Pushing Through the Pavement, Permaculture Action Days. Woohoo!

Join MoS Collective with More Gardens! Smiling Hogshead Ranch and La Plaza Cultural, Brooklyn Permaculture. We are all participating in Pushing Through the Pavement: A Permaculture Action Tour (facebook invite). We are receiving happy laborers Sunday the 9th from the Irving Plaza show Sat which is inviting audience to show up and dig in.

SHHR will be making a small pond, boakshi, planting, composting and spreading wood chips: a mound of logs with layers of compost and soil on top of which edibles and fruit trees will be planted. hugelkuture: The logs absorb water so the plants don’t need as much water tending.

La Plaza’a main effort is building swale for a water system, spread hay and other smaller jobs.

Via FB Invite by More Gardens:

This is part of a national tour with The Polish Ambassador, Mr. Lif, Ayla Nereo, Wildlight, Liminus. Click the link and check out their amazing music and art Jumpsuit Records. (I have yet to listen to the music links)


We will have several hands on projects, skillshares, performance pieces and a pot-luck lunch to join and participate in. So come get your hands dirty, feed your mind, and break bread with community as we mobilize to create abundance in our city.

If you want to participate Sunday with MoS email us. DD/MoS will have a welcome area at Smiling Hogshead Ranch to make introductions and set people up with tasks.

In addition to all the magic listed above, we will be painting banners and at 2pm, we will mobilize and have a subway processional from Smiling Hogshead Ranch to a mystery community space in jeopardy o build a farm stand / a permie style action that will bring attention to a most important issue of “preservation and self-governance” of the entire community gardening culture here in NYC.

So join us early to plant fruit trees, build a hugelkuture and paint some banners. Bring a dish for the potluck, we eat at 1pm. Then enjoy more conversations and conviviality on the subway with tons of friends as we ride to meet up for an action in the afternoon. It will be a full day of fun and activism as we fertilize and pollinate our grassroots movement.

One Love

From FB Invite by More Gardens: Weekend Additions:
More NYC Permaculture Action Weekend! events below!
1. Friday Permaculture Social
2. Saturday and Sunday help move Feedback Farm.
3. Saturday night Pushing Through the Pavement Show
4. Sunday ACTION DAY
– The Old Stone House Permaculture Landscape
– Swale building at La Plaza Cultural/ 9/ Ave C East Village.
– Smiling Hogshead Ranch LIC Blitz (above)
– la Plaza Cultural Blitz (above)
– build farm stand action Lower East Side (above)

1. Friday, November 7th – Permaculture Social and Potluck – a get together for the NYC permaculture community and perma-curious
Please bring food or drink to share if you can
7pm at The Old Stone House in Brooklyn
The Old Stone House in located in Washington Park at 336 5th Avenue – between 3d and 4th streets and 4th and 5th avenues

2. Saturday, November 8th and Sunday November 9th – Help Feedback Farms move!
Meet at 10am at 636 Myrtle Avenue in Bed Stuy to help this urban farm move to its new permanent location in Bushwick.
The new farm will be a training program, a meaningful source of locally grown vegetables and an employment opportunity for program participants of the Doe Fund, a large homeless services organization.
Feedback Farms is an urban farming organization with a mission to develop innovative agricultural methods through experiments, interventions, and partnerships with allied organizations.
Contact Tom for more info: 203-560-4506

3. Saturday night: Pushing Through the Pavement Show at Irving Plaza with the Polish Ambassador, Mr. Lif, Ayla Nereo, and Liminus

4. Sunday, November 9th @ The Old Stone House Permaculture Landscape (satellite site)
In addition to the Action Day projects at Smiling Hogshead Ranch in Queens, The Old Stone House’s permaculture landscape will be hosting a day of permaculture projects in Washington Park in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The landscape is home to food, medicine, craft materials and wildlife habitat, as well as storm-water management. Come learn about this amazing permaculture commons and help with a number of projects including:
– putting beds to sleep for winter
– spreading compost over garden beds
– cutting back growth to compost
– pruning fruit trees and transplanting
11am – 4pm @ 336 5th Avenue – between 3d and 4th streets and 4th and 5th avenues

-via facebook post More Gardens and SHHR, & pushing through pavement tour



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