12/11 Dec. East Village Wellness Circle!

12/11/16  East Village Wellness Circle: a mutual aid offer and/or receive gathering.
WHEN:  Monthly 2nd Sunday
TIME: 2 pm – 5pm
WHERE:  El Jardin del Paraiso, 309 East 4th St.
Rain Space: 21 Ave C, between First and Second Street.

We have wellness activities, healing, mutual aid, a fun gathering. We all bring our myriad of skills for a mutual give and receive hang out every 2nd Sunday at this community garden. We usually have hot tea and some food people bring and a medicinal plant walk. Sometimes music and signing, movement. We have an open space where people can split off privately for offerings in small groups. There are certified healing practitioners sharing their modalities.

Offerings of Acupuncture with Wendy Henry:0), this Sunday Feldenkrais with Igor Shteynberg and others with many beautiful skills to help you.

Elderberry Syrup!
Sunday Special: we have the option to make as a group elderberryElderberry Syrup for warding off cough and cold in the winter. (Enough for 10 take-home containers). This year we are buying organic dried berries from Mountain Rose and honey from local screen-shot-2016-12-05-at-8-17-20-pmbee keeper Ray Sage and some from the Ave A Market. Bring a small beautiful glass container if you like. We will have some for you to take some of the Elderberry Syrup.

Also to put the Elderberry on the top. Sunday we are connecting earth and people by ordering two more Elderberry bushes for the garden.

– make a fire/heat water.
– opening circle for winter rooting. Warm breathing techniques.
– update on protectors.
– update on the mycelium: move to millet next
– Open Space with acupuncture & Feldenkrais and more
– plant is elderberry> making elderberry syrup for colds.
– tea is resilience chai
– dress in layers and fluff to be cozy. Cotton no/wool, poly, fur, down, yes.

If you are definitely coming and know what you are offering we will post it here. Please share with the local public.

Kids are welcome to run around and play if it’s outside (parents watch them).

Mission: We are encouraging the use of community gardens as hubs for staying well and healing for neighborhood abundance. There is no charge.

– 12/11 FB Event

– Moscollective.net 12/11 invite 

– Mailing List for Wellness Circles

Thank you to all participants volunteering their time and energy. Thank you to the practitioners for their value and local wellness knowledge. Thank you El Jardin Del Paraiso gardeners. Thank you Citizen’s Committee for supporting part of our expenses this year’s wellness circle. Our Fiscal Sponsor this year is “Serving Those who Serve”.

Please join us. We are a group called the East Village Wellness Circle based in community gardens. We seek partnerships and collaborators to get the word out about the Wellness Circles. We want to build village health rooted in community gardens and helping all of us keep well. We seek organizations interested in bringing this circle as a lifestyle to more people. Next summer when we have lots of space outside.

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