1/9/14: MoS #2: The Goosebump Meeting

Thursday Jan 9, 2014, 6:15 pm

MoS Goosebump Meeting
A MoS Meeting Series
Find supportive links for your projects and visions in ’14.
RSVP for address @ contact page
or on the permaculture meet-up page!

After-happy-hour! 9:00 pm TBA

Our puzzle is building and we are seeking even more project leaders in any field of interest. Bring project to share or support others with your skills.






Thurs Jan 9 2014! MoS Meeting Itinerary
6:o0 mill about, re-elbow rub, chit-chat, nosh on pre-meeting poopie platter
Contributions to edible delicacies welcome.

6:26        prepare to start, some noi polloi hub bub, a sound, silence, more punctilious ballyhoo, a last swift whistle.
6:30       COMMENCE.  Grounding, check-in, MoS mission
6:50       Review Dec Elbow meeting #1 notes: overview of individual projects
7:00       Developments & brewings since 12/5/13
7:20       New people:  What projects, groups you are working on/with? How might MoS community serve your vision?
8:00       Co-create: small groups or big group.
8:30       Synthesis, meeting feedback and working parameters, and next meeting topic
8:45       Appreciations:  authentic, precarious and vulnerable welcome.
Close:  spontaneous and appropriate
9:00       Split for swashbuckling beverages, more noi polloi and punctilious ballyhoo.

(Volunteer time keeper, note taker)


In the Future: 1st Thursday of the month meeting list: go to contact page.

Feb 6: “Parameter” meeting: begin to form co-working parameters and principles. RSVP contact page

MoS Collective: calling for applications for a Resident! LIVE WORK AND PLAY in the heart of the East Village. Seeking a Permaculture writer/web programmer/organizer to work in our grassroots community home/office.    For more info contact page us!

With appreciation and enormous gratitude,


Branding for print, web and promotions
Photographer, Illustrator
Design for Urban Social Ecology
The Masters Of Succession

“Designing for a regenerative future means an abundance today.”  – dd

[“Succession” not of Queens or Kings, instead “succession” of quality of life, healthier air, water and soil as a by-product of good design.]

Contact page to participate in the MoS community? A town needs everyone!
•  Mailchimp general Mailing list
•  MoStown List go to Contact page indicate  “MoStown List”

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