2013 Appreciations!
ThanksĀ 2013 for your lessons and experiences
D’s Dad
D’s brother + Tara, Jason and Makenna,
D’s cousins and uncles and aunts and their kids.
Nadette peace museum who was MoS Support for Figment.
MoSers: Naoko for summer mud ball support for mud balls and Wellness and Mud Ball Ball.
Tim for Mudball balling
Keat for Mud ball balling and social acquisitions
Shig for always showing up and EMing
Rolando was a great help with Mud ball prep and the activity.
Rolando and DD worked diligently designing for the MoRUS fashion show together. Thanks for contributions from
Lisa Shaub and Miki Katagiri for their hats.
Thanks to the models who showed up in the snow storm, Meridith for one. Thanks to Catherine who came from a photo shoot to dance in the “Bicycle Upcycler”.
JK Canepa for support and her lyrics and musical contributions.
Pas for emanating yogic calm and balance.
Times-up! people for being caring and supportive: Nadette for one.
JC and Ben for the beach adventures and mermaid parade, Brennen for his artful collage commentaries, Cath for her poignant photography, Barbara, Chana our beach ride and being an amazing 45th St community hostess, Roy social hour and great left-over cook, Claire for her garden spirit and Ilyse for the soil workshop at Sempre Verde, Ben and his kids for showing up to everything to make everything more awesome, Kim, JK and Monica for the Rockaway camping action, Rick for sharing his beautiful photos, Peter for being authentic, Stephen for coordinating beach rides all summer, Isabel for designing the cool MoRus Direct Action Poster, John and Bex offering to volunteer contribute to MoS, Renee for including me in his Ditmas circles, Mellow for trying to cart at giant prototype by Bullit bike and always greeting me with a smile, David for throwing mud balls, John Speck, Anne Lee, Wendy for keeping an eye on us all, Laurie for her calming smile and wanting MoS to help MoRus, Bill for his MoS support and enthusiasm.. Stephanie for assistant, writing, editing.
Community garden friends for being outside in the garden: Simin, Eric and flying hugs from Anna Louisa, Lisa + Lola, Marga, Ross, John, Sarah + Christopher, Pedro and Madelanna, Bill, Marie, Kartick, Courtney, Jimmy S and Jimmy C.
NYC Permi ladies: Kelly, Uma, Monica, Anandi, Kelly and Tiffany
100 new Permi friends and Omega Open Space.
100 new Two Row friends, Nacom, Allen, Acadia, Bugs, Claire, Carmen and all.
Many new Earthdancers! Ayla, Sean, Sarah, David, Ali, Kalyan, Brently, Eugene, Chris, Kelly B, Beu, Kelsey, Jason
Tim, Sabation and Lily’s home away from home
Italo’s home and Immore workshops in Bushwick
Catherine w Bob
Stephen H
Steven M
Barbara A
Barbara G
Charles K
Earthdance, Two Row Renewal campaign, Gaia Institute, Times-up, Green Map, La Plaza, El Jardin, Peace Museum, 6th St community Center, Homebiome and Figment.