2017 Welcomes more Wellness Circles
Let’s start 2017 off with a neighborhood wellness circle in the community garden.
Officially Welcomed back! Every Second Sunday. 2pm -5pm. Come meet your healing, helpful neighbors.
Everyone is invited to the public circle at the community garden El Jardin Paraiso: Next to 309 e 4th St (Ave. C and D)
and if the weather is abominable, we are inside nearby warm- so keep in touch if you are coming.
We come together in the garden to give and receive. We have the option to give to others or receive from givers. It’s always fun and enjoyable. Free. Public, Kids welcome.
! 2017 Brings
A Heart Centered 2017
2017 is going to be a year we listen to our heart’s wise and caring voice. Let’s hear the messages clearly. Follow our guidance.. listen to what is calling us. We can practice together honestly, with many beautiful mistakes in an empathic world for ourselves, others and the earth. We are bridges of understanding for each other. The Wellness Circle of the East Village. It’s a great place for feeling good and being with people in an open, caring, honest and joyful way.
Local Prosperity
The East Village Wellness Circle welcomes a new year looking to create more local prosperity. We are inviting our neighbors, one-by-one and face-to-face to enjoy the garden and help each other. Bring your earth wisdom to the circle and to the spirit of the gardens. To plant for our future health and to harvest.
The Big Picture
While we work on us, we can be responsible for our earth’s health. We also protect the water, air and soil that in-turn supports us. We will continue to bring this work to the forefront of our Sunday’s together with updates from city bioremediation, new systems, protectors on the front lines. We learn ways to live that are also healing (bioremediating) for our ecosystem.
A Community of Wellness
In this East Village Circle we are creating an ongoing pattern where community gardens are a go-to place to get a daily breath or a place to go for healing help. Community gardens are a great places to feel well being. We all have healing wellness know how to share and offer. Now to spread the word and get people out and share this routine. We are here.
We do not ask for donations. We are deep in our work and so grateful to have people together. We currently have a grant from Citizens Committee we are spreading out over the year.
Viral Goodness
Easy to help: invite neighbors in your building or favorite restaurant, church, schools or groups. Help to write grants. We are hearing interest for Wellness Circles in other areas: contact us if you want our help starting one in your hood.
Facebook Page
EastVillageWellnessCircle Facebook page
Event Details, Share & Join us.
Facebook Organizing Group
Join the planning and add your brilliance to the making. https://www.facebook.com/groups/940285509419344/