2/10 MoS Announces ‘21 Sculpture

February 10, 2021 join our zoom! Earthcelebrations.com
Ecological City Pageant presentations.

MoS Collective’s DD Maucher will announce the concept for this year’s FBS! Join the FBS movement! Contact us! 

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A brief retrospective

Floating Bioremediating Sculptures (FBS) in the past three years. 

Year 2020

CoVID 19:

We opted for a miniature version. It was launched in a bladderwrack/mussel incubator pond at Grace Exhibition Space.

Concept in hindsight:
The solar sun flying through the sky on its bicycle parasailing amphibious contraption. The young boy, sun, son, pulls his mother, earth, supporting her, basking her in healing light. They are both blissfully happy.
mayerials were lying around. Excess from years of lifestyles of bioremediation and symbiosis. (LoBS)



She dissolved. I put on another mother:Gaia Mudball amulet made by kids at Earth School or NYU Independent study.

2019 Lady of the Willows
Year May 2019

A young person fearlessly holding the bright vision of the future.

Base to the Sculpture ‘19 by dd Maucher & the MoS Collective,

Base to the Sculpture ‘19 by dd Maucher & the MoS Collective,

Woven with the weeping willow that falls in the east village’s Spring garden prep days.


Water-bioremediation-sculpture-2bridges-textPast South St SeaPort — then lost sight of her. Heading to bow her head to the Statue of Liberty and then head to Europe.  Ha. Wow!
Year 2018
Concept: the homage to the aging women — parting along with the destructive world after a lifestyle of trying.  The entropy that regenerates life literally because it’s made with bioremediating materials — without an extractive processes. She’s is sorry, humble, empathic and wise.

2018 Gaia by dd & Marta

2018 Gaia by dd & Marta

The bamboo was not my choice. Phragmites stems were. We dumped her and retrieved the raft.  Year one was a learning curve. Lotsof teaching still to do even with the ecological city crew. (Meet people where they are.) I learned too.

Marta & DD sculpture lap


Marta & dd sculpture Gaia

Raft removed and she flips to remediate the river with her body of mudbalks, and microbes, kelp and carbon.


Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/210-mos-announces-21-sculpture/


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