2/6 Mos Town Hall Meeting #3
A MoS Town Hall
#3 in a meeting series
Bioremedation + Public Space
Thursday, Feb 6, 2014, 6:15 pm
Jimmy’s No 43 East 7th St Back-room
Find supportive links for your projects and visions in ’14.
Contact us to reply or RSVP: www.meetup.com/nycpermaculture (Stay for hobnobbing at the bar after 9)
At this meeting we will hear from everyone and then puzzle people together. Weaving our overlaps and connecting our projects into a larger vision. We have index cards for participants information and to self organize. We will shuffle these cards around like puzzle pieces on a big table. People can connect 8:30-9. Report back next month :)
A Bioremediation Celebration! End of May or Sunday June 1, a week or so before Figment.
MoS hopes to have the same great participants we have had in the past, plus new. A bioremediation celebration! With mud ball making (for our Figment Stockpile), oyster eating and reef building (add to oyster-shell pile-up in the East River), EM-1, bokashi, procession dancing in mud ball gowns, food by Naoko’s Vegan Baking, BobWhite’s, beer from Jimmy’s No 43, even self bioremediation, music by local children, a treehouse concert to join, and and and more. Add your succession at Community Garden El Jardin Del Paraiso, a bioremediation project by Paul Mankiewicz of Gaia Institute and now a permaculture minded oasis.
Excited to help organize the Ball is Uma Lo, of Green Phoenix Permaculture, who has been a back bone for many large permaculture events on the East Coast and Smiling Hogshead Ranch, a bioremediation growing site.
Can we live in fun decadence without ruining our air, water and soil? And maybe actually make it better? Imagine that.
Contact us: Musicians, organizers, outreach (pr), foodies, mud ball costumes, procession dancers and jettisonizers (throwers of oyster shells, makers of mud balls, seed bombs). Mud Ball Ball volunteer lead coordinators receive admission, eats, drink compliments, possibly a night sail and more. We will dedicate our oyster toss to Pete Seeger and possible have commemorative twilight toast on the water. It’s all up to whoever participates.
Thurs: 2/6 MoS Meeting Itinerary
6:00 Get a beverage at the bar or order food, Thank Jimmy for the Space.
Take a card to put down your name and projects to connect to our bigger picture later.
6:30 Intro: MoS mission (volunteer note taker?)
6:50 Review of Dec/Jan. meetings (Our list is getting long)
7:00 Post brewings (email me with updates before the meeting)
7:15 Bioremediation/Public Space Intro
7:25 Introductions – projects, groups you are working on? (black board volunteer?)
7:45 Shuffling of the cards. ** this is key. Don’t let us run out of time for this part.
8:15 Harvest from the open space • appreciations, meeting feed back, productivity ideas, Next March 7, what, where…
8:30 Open Space: set up meetings to go deeper (like the Mud Ball Ball org meeting)
9:00 Adjourn to main space.
Also will post on Permaculture NYC meet-up where you can RSVP too. http://www.meetup.com/nycpermaculture/
1st Thursday of the month meeting list: go to contact page
or Join the mailing list on Moscollective.net
With appreciation!
DD of MoStown
The Masters Of Succession
Intraconnected people creating beneficial succession of air, water and soil.
“Succession” not of royalty but instead “succession” of quality of life, healthier air, water and soil as a by-product of good design.
The beautiful invite illustration and Design is by Jenni Ottilie Keppler, Duchess of Interaction in MoStown. w w w . O T T I L I E . c c
Find a place in MoS community. A town needs everyone!
• MoS Collective Mailing list Mailchimp
New! You can now donate! The Masters of Succession Collective would appreciate it! Sliding Scale $35- $100 for the year or $10-$25 a meeting/event or whatever you can budget.
If the colorful Paypal button code doesn’t work. Use this text link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6MBUUB5LMM46W