Tuesday, March 10, 2015

6:30-9:30 pm

A Masters of Succession Town Hall!


At Green Map Office 220A East 4th St. NY NY Between Ave A/Ave B.

Bring yummy potluck nibbles and activities.


Theme is Games & Succession.

• Learn about the collective’s ways to collect.
• Get caught up and visualize the present with us.
• Bring your group’s plans/calendar rough dates for MishMash.
• Collaborate, reduce redundancy, heighten quality.


• Eat schmooze until several key ppl are arrive: Fill out index card and map yourself in the “piazza”.

0. Magnificent Over view: About MôS:  5 min: 

With Collaborators we announce and discuss briefly: (Goal to set Spring Ball)

1.  Succession Games  (15m)
2. Ephemeral Piazza’s: Award’s for past Activity People!  (5min) Discuss Planning groups: New Museum, The Spring Ball and Figment. Village Piazzas & processions:  New this year: products to sell!  Maybe we have a different currency? Something ppl can generate easily right then and there and use. My goal to set Spring ePiazza Activity People. (15 min)
3. Estuary 2.0: Bioremediation with Mudballs and biospheres. Parks, Gardens, Waterfront community,  Two Row Camp  (15 m)
4.  NEW! Mud Ball Room Tea house & Ball Room (Collective’s new space). Bushwick: 895 B’way Bk,  (15 min)

—————– BREAK——————-

5. Collective News:
Green Map is looking for a NEW home office in the area! Send all leads!
SHHR HOEDOWN@Flux Art Gallery: 3.26-27-28.  Call to get involved. More Talent & Variety needed.  (5m)
Seed Ball: Anne & Ted NEW Garden!, Soup Kitchen, Commons & Games, Camp. (5m)
Valerie Green’s NEW Life’s work, her swan song, called “Succession”. Go to DanceEntropy for tickets  (2m)
LUNGS Spring Awakening ’15.  Charles  (2m)
Peace Museum: update bike rides & NEW Series “Cocktails & Stuff” (2m)
Gathering Ground NEW: Liz Neves: New Company: family meditations in the park. (2m)
Kabad se Jucad Update: Rolando ladies waste workers co-op in India, NEW cows! (5m)
Rockaway EM-1 Update, (5m)
Shig Bokashi update: Susan’s NEW Bokashi Monthly gatherings: (2m)
Empathic World update: Shig (2m)
Imani Update: Cargo Bike Food waste pick up (5m)
Hells Kitchen Commons NEW Chana (2m)
Jenni in Berlin: Seeking an US organizer for Open Source Collaborative Economy International event.

Get your succession project on the agenda! or just come and make a 2 announcement.

Music and mingling.

6. Calendar Mishmash!  Bring your group’s plans/calendar rough dates to share. (20m)




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