3 Ways to Engage!
Engage and share
3 great ways to participate with MoS At Grace Exhibition Space until mid June.
1. Make Bokashi balls as a healing regenerative activity. Each ball is a super microbial rich soil conditioner to be planted with a seedling in tribute to those who passed in NYC during the CoVID-19 shelter in place.
2. add characters to the Bioremediating puppet show. Puppets made to help the environment. It’s not just zero waste it’s regenerative systems.
3. add characters to the ephemeral piazza – a circular regenerative economy. Share you’re super characters (Masters of Succession) via a photo, video, a drawing of character with props, resource chain and output flows.
Bioremediating puppet
Beneficial mud balls (Rosendale workshop with Diana)
Sowing beach grass
The Seed Spreader Hoop Skirts at Loisaida Puppet Show. Photo by George Hirose
Pepper Spray (now covid mask
The Weeping Willow cut down
Milkweed fibers
Making mud balls
2018 Gaia by dd Maucher & Marta Dann
Bokashi Mudball puppet
Bladderwrack kelp
Moss paint
Moss paint instructions
Beneficial Ice ball
Scoby leather
The Princess Frog Denounces the coronation to be the King of Trash to go back to the pond
Kale seed hat by Lisa Shaub to be planted after wearing.
La Marchanta: the merchant lady mobile farm stand. Shower curtain mushroom dress and cape.
Photo explorations by dd maucher
Acupunture Earist
Taer & Ware Instant reincarnation outfit by kappo kappino
Harlequin Hallucination
The opera diva feeding the pigeons. She is habitat.
Hydroponic wearable farmstand
The Mushroom Marchenta
Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/3-ways-to-engage/
May 19th, 2020 | Category: 4. Everything
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