3/20 Thu Buy Recycled & Activated Bike Carting

Note: Thursday 9:30-12 at EPA

News: NYC

The recently enacted Intro 1162-A, which bans the land-filling of food scraps from generators such as large restaurants, food retailers, caterers, sports arenas, and other establishments. The collected scraps are scheduled to be used as feedstock for composting and bio-gas facilities in the New York area

Thursday, to represent the hauling of food waste, Action Carting will be presenting.
More waste pick-up means more street visits by big dangerous loud squashers on NYC pedestrian streets.

Hot off the MoStown griddle:
Activated Bike Carting” will be working pick-up on one-way single lane roads. They will be picking up food waste __2x__ a week.
Goal: Eventually bike trailers can pick-up the waste on smaller roads. Community organizations will be given these jobs and bikes to manage, create pick up system, drop off locations.
Mission: No enormous killer garbage trucks. Cost saving is substantial and the truck drivers out of work can be absorbed in Activated Carting. Detailed solutions welcome.

In Montreal the street sweepers are tiny in comparison.

It is Thinking in the box:
Compact scale for small streets

Portland bought these for bike paths and nyc can replace all big sweepers with these. Could be electric assist pedal powered.

What to does MoStown do w the old garbage trucks?

What would be Out of the box solutions?

Unveiling After MoS Labs: Thursday Drawing and dancing session. ;)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Buy Recycled Alliance of New York City
Date: March 18, 2014, 9:17:04 AM EDT
Subject: BRANY Meeting – Thursday March 20 – Reminder II
Reply-To: brany@grownyc.org

Read the BRANY-NYC Meeting Invitation on a Web Page

B R A N Y – N Y C
Buy Recycled Alliance of New York City
A program of the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling
(NYSAR3- Region 2)
Commercial Recycling
The Impact of the New Organics Law
We have devoted a number of our presentations to New York City’s residential recycling programs and the impact the residential recycling laws have on members of the general public. But the other side of the recycling coin involves the commercial sector, which is served by private hauling companies rather than the Department of Sanitation. For our March program, we’re going to start looking at the commercial recycling situation in New York City, starting with the impacts of the recently enacted Intro 1162-A, which bans the landfilling of food scraps from generators such as large restaurants, food retailers, caterers, sports arenas, and other establishments. The collected scraps are scheduled to be used as feedstock for composting and bio-gas facilities in the New York area. Our speakers for this program will include: Elizabeth Balkan from the Mayor’s Office for Sustainability, speaking on the new law itself; Adam Pasquale, Action Carting, providing the hauler perspective; and Jenni Moon, from Greenview and a veteran corporate and hotel event planner, speaking on the impact of the new law on the hotel industry. Additional speakers may be named later.

Thursday, March 20, 2014
9:30 am – 12:00 noon

hosted by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2
290 Broadway, Room 3, Fl. 30 (just north of City Hall in Lower Manhattan)
(Take the N or R train to City Hall or the 2 or 3 train to Park Place or the A, C or E to Chambers/World Trade Center or the 4, 5 or 6 to Brooklyn Bridge. Bring a picture ID and empty pockets of metal-security can be tight.)

(Note different meeting day and room location.)
Please Register Here

or contact

— Registration deadline: Tuesday, March 18th 2014 —

(NOTE: Please forward this announcement to any friends or colleagues who you think might be interested in learning more about our topic or who might be interested in being added to our mailing list for future meetings. Thanks.)
Invite a friend.

brany@grownyc.org |
GrowNYC | 51 Chambers St | Room 228 | New York | NY | 10007

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