Google Earth Updated Figment Mini Golf!

Google Maps and Earth refreshed the mini-golf area. The street view is still old though.

There is Phyllis the snail!  (The yellow square with the upside down snail shape) Google updated “Figment” Terrace.

Go by and try the course!  The top hole is broken so I put a pot in it to catch the ball– so it is still working.  Someone busted the corridor from the top of the snail to the bottom.  The entire thing is worked over but the thousands of rough people that bang away at it. Gentle and slow like the snail and you will meet get par 6.

Please water the plants if they are alive… if you have water.  We might replant the pots with new plants. We didn’t set up the drip irrigation system . If we replant, we will try the sloping string from the water out to the plants.


View Map,-74.019011&spn=0.000386,0.000644&t=f&z=21&ecpose=40.68873959,-74.01911744,9.69,22.849,71.03,0


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