4/18 Kids Earthday EM Mud Ball Challenge

Mudballs - B - Clearwater 2017MoS Collective taught 3 Village elementary schools in NYC for a fabulous EARTH DAY!

 A 300 kid beneficial mud ball workshop!

The challenge is 1000 mud balls!

Yes they did it.

Volunteers Marta & Diana


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A few friends came to help out and learn about EM-1 and Bioremediating waterways. We were one of many activities. Thankful for the extra teachers.

Lots of muddy hands had to be cleaned at once. One little boy took it upon himself to hold the water jug nozzle for all the kids. So sweet. He was very helpful.

Producer Joan Beard

Dee Dee Maucher teaching with helpers: Diana & Marta


Diana teaching 2018 Earth Day


DD & Diana after Earth Day Mudballs 2018: guessing we’re hungry

Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/4-18-kids-earthday-challenge/

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