4/25 to 27 Work Week-end @ Earthdance

A retreat!  A much needed break from the urban bussel? Let’s go to Earthdance for amazing food, hiking, dancing, sauna or just the forest nourishment. We will help with a variety for tasks for 5 enjoyable hours each day. Tasks like help in the kitchen with fun people and create with the amazing local ingredients, chop wood, build an awesome platform in the woods, climb and prune tress, prepare beds. Meet all the talented people who keep this place going.
The week leading to this Andrew Faust will be teaching in collaboration with a permaculture designer/movement researcher.  If you can do both.. I envy you.
Hosted by Earthdance Staff & Board of Directors
Programming category:
April 25, 2014 – 5:00pm – April 27, 2014 – 3:00pm

Chopping wood, planting greens…Our grounds need constant care. Twice a year, we get our hands dirty, reflect on what we’ve built, and plant seeds for the future. Through this culture of generosity, Earthdance thrives. Join us in honoring and sustaining our beloved community gathering place. Dance, play, and stay for FREE!

RSVP to contact@earthdance.net and MoS to coordinate transportation.

Earthdance Spring Work Weekend & Annual Meeting is part of EARTH WEEK RETREAT: Engaging Perception & Permaculture: a week of invigorating workshops connecting the forms of human movement with those of environmental systems, and culminating in a chance to apply sustainable design to strengthen Earthdance’s land and facilities.


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