5/26 The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball!


A Bioremediation Participation Celebration!! with raw oysters and local beers, mud balls, seed bombs, the sound/cargo bike and bokashi.

1:30-2:30 The ride: Seed ball throwing music ride. Ride ends at The Mud Ball! Co-hosted by Times-up.org. Meet at Gaia tree Tompkins Square Park. FACEBOOK invite

3 pm – 7 pm The Ball:  at El Jardin Del Paraiso Community Garden on 4th St between Ave C and Ave D, NYC  The big green space! FACEBOOK invite

A year later and even more dancing and bioremediation to be done!

Help CLEAN & reestablish lost ecology in our neighborhood!

Put on your ball gowns and get dirty at the garden! Dance a jig while doing  cleaning our surroundings!

Raw oysters (help out by pre-ordering Contact :)

Bring food to share!  It is a Pot Luck.  Sunday farmer’s market on Ave A and 8th St. It is on the way!

We will have Local beer from Jimmy’s No 43.

RSVP: on Fb or Meet-up : http://www.meetup.com/nycpermaculture/events/118617902/


Sunday’s Beneficial Ball Schedule:

Fri 5-9: Prep bonanza potluck at 292 e 3rd. Kappo Kappino Studio

Sunday at the Mud Ball:

1:30 Seed Ball Slinging Singing Ride, Times Up & love bomb seed bombs.

2:00 Cargo Bike Collective delivery

3:00 Oysters, beer, ballroom frivolity, make EM mud balls for Figment throw & seed bomb Love Bombs, trench bokashi.

4:00  “self bioremediation” (cleansing) gather with East Village Wellness Circle.

5:00 short bioremediation talks and questions by experts

6:30 Dance procession to river

7:30 Stay for El Jardin’s Treehouse Concert and fractails with radon testing toast. (byo food to share)


Sunday 5/26 1:30 pm- 3 pm: Join   Seed Bomb Bike Ride! Tompkins Square w/Times-Up! and on FB sign up!





We will eat oysters, make mud balls, dance in our mud boots to Cajun music, eat buttermilk biscuits in our dirty mud ball gowns. (Also Loisida Festival on Ave C that day.)

We will be making a lot of EM-1 Mud balls, Love Bomb Seed Bombs and saving our oyster shells and trenching food waste. All this in a beautiful bountiful garden that is itself a successful bioremediation project. We’ll meet some biochemists, engineers and artists who are doing work in which we can contribute.

1. HELP Make 1000 Em-1 mud balls to clean the water for a Stockpile at Figment on Governors Island. Shig Matsukawa will be there to answer questions about EM-1. We will also have 32 oz bottles of EM-1 available and bags of fermented Bran for a MoS donation exchange.) Figment Festival’s MoS Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls is a pile of mud balls for people to throw into the harbor.  June 8 & 9, 2013 near Castle William.

2. help us Eat raw oysters to save the shells.  [If you want raw
oysters RSVP that u do]

3. Help ferment our food waste for soil fertilizer to grow more food

4. Join the Dance procession to the East River. Help toss your empty oyster shells to encourage the oyster repopulation.

5. Help Make a million Love Bomb Seed Bombs for the coast and the new potential gardens.

6. Help us use effective microbes to nourish and clean everything

7. Fill out the “MoSTown Abundance Cards” so we waste /pollute less and spend less.

8. Green Map: will have some maps out showing flooding and bioremediation projects and community gardens and target areas for new projects.

9. Buy a bottle of NYC TapFracking Awareness “gift”: NYC Reserve Tap Water, 2013: Dustin, animator/artist, has a bottled our delicious water in wine bottles and corked it for preservation. His NYC Tap Water bottles have hand drawn labels that reflect urban scenes. Donation of $20 gets you a signature bottle of Non-fracked NYC Tap Water!  Each Label unique and drawn by artists. Proceeds go to MoS Collective to buy more EM and supplies for teaching



Around 5 pm

Hear an overview from Paul Mankiewicz, Ph.D., Biologist/Plant Scientist, who will explain how the El Jardin garden has been restored.

Rand Weeks, electrician/engineer, due to the oyster project running over schedule to this Sunday  Paul Mankiewicz will speak about Oysters. Rand’s project is part of a documentary screened at the Museum of Natural History called “Shell shocked”. Rand is using solar power to restore oyster population. Check out the doc.

Maris Dedominicis, of EarthMatter, will have Sandy soil text samples and explain way so fixing that soil.  We will learn about remediation plans for the community gardens that have been flooded.

Around 6:30p

Join the authentic second line dance and music procession to the water to throw our empty shells in.

Around 7:00p The Gardeners at El Jardin are hosting a treehouse Concert series starting Sundy 5/26   7pm. We will just be from the river. Stay to enjoy a collective potluck and music!

After dark we will have an anti-fracking toast and a few words by JK Canepa. Then we have the pleasure of listening to musicians like Kelly Fragale and others.


7 pm: Treehoue Concert by El Jardin gardeners. Linger around the lush garden and listen to music by Kelly Fragole. Toast to anti-fracking with a glowing Fractail cocktail–A flaming after dark apéritif.  Toast and words by JK Canepa.

If you or your group wants to be a supporter? Help us with your energy : Contact MoS. & Donations welcome.

Photos from Last year

PARTICIPANTS: Gaia Institute NY, Good Microbes, Jimmy’s No 43, LoveBombSeedBombs, Times-Up!, Earth Matter, Cargo Bike Collective, Green Map System, BobWhite’s Restaurant, Recycle and Pray, Blue Moon Fish, Dustin Grella NYC Tap Water, Naoko’s Vegan Baking, Green Haiti, Kelly Fragale Music, East Village Wellness Circle, Stephanie Huffaker’s Green Cleaning.

CONTRIBUTORS: Jimmy’s No 43, Blue Moon Fish, EL Jardin Community Garden, BobWhite’s restaurant, Cargo Bike Collective, Times-Up!

SUPPORTERS: LUNGs: Loisida United Neighborhood Gardens, The Brooklyn College Sustainability for Today & Tomorrow, YANA Rockaway building Renovation Project, NYC Community Garden Coalition, MoRUS: Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space, Recycle and Pray, The Center for Bioregional Living, New York Permaculture Exchange,Community Carting and Composting, Cargo Bike Collective, Vokashi, Green Haiti, Green Pheonix Permaculture, NY Permaculture Meet up El Jardin Del Paraiso, 6th St Community Center, Ecophilia, Burning Down the House Radio on Heritage Radio Network, Earthdance Creative Living, 596 Acres, OWS Sustainability, Figment Project and Human Impacts Institute. Contact us to support by standing behind what we are doing!

FRIDAY 5/24!

The outfitting Bonanza & Backyard Potluck


RSVP  Contact MoS

Outfit Making potluck at Kappo Kappino’s Recycle and Pray garden plus seed balling.

Where: At BULLET SPACE : Ave C and 3rd St. with Kappo Kappino: A  ball gown making party & pot luck.  Rolando will explain his rag pickers factory in India where ladies make added value products from trash.

We will help you make

– seed bombs

– beneficial mud ball gowns,

– decorate umbrellas for the second line dance!

– paper or natural hats that have kale seeds in them to plant after use.

– umbrella dresses

– bouncy bike hoop mini skirts and tube tops

Bring 3 hula hoops,  two 4 yr of light long pieces of fabric for your mud ball gown Or go pick one up  at a flea market.


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