6/16 “Strategies for a New Economy”

Conference is at capacity but 8pm Friday Bill McKibben is speaking of 359.0rg. Live steam is available all segments will be viewable in July.

Email**: “This weekend’s “Strategies for a New Economy” Conference will gather together researchers, media professionals, educators, citizen activists,cbusiness leaders, financial experts, scientists, environmentalists, union workers, cultural leaders, politicians, advocates for the disenfranchised, and youth. The three-day event will bring together nearly 300 organization in over 55 workshops, plenary gatherings, and participatory strategizing sessions. It will highlight best research and best practice under ten broad themes and will demonstrate that a just and sustainable New Economy is already taking place.

The Conference reached capacity two months ago, but there are still ways for
those not registered to participate.

Friday and Saturday night events at the Frank Ghery designed Fisher Center
for the Performing Arts on the Bard College campus in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York are open to the general public.

Friday, June 8th at 8 P.M.
BILL MCKIBBEN will deliver a talk titled
“Money and Climate: Can both Exxon and the Planet be healthy?”
The event is FREE and open to both Conference participants and the general public. Reservations are required. Call the Fisher Center Box Office at 845-758-7900

Bill McKibben is the author of a dozen books, including “The End of Nature”
and “Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future”, A former staff writer for “The New Yorker”, he writes regularly for
“Harper’s”, the “Atlantic Monthly”, and the “New York Review of Books”,
among other publications. He is the founder of the grassroots climate
campaign 350.org which has coordinated 15,000 rallies in 189 countries since 2009.

Saturday, June 9th at 8 P.M.
PETER BUFFETT will perform in concert at an event titled:
“Life Is What You Make It: A Concert and Conversation” with Peter Buffett
Admission: General $25, Seniors and Students $15. Tickets available through
the Box Office at 845-758-7900

Emmy-Award-winning musician and entertainer, Peter Buffett, will present a
thought-provoking, multi-media event. Buffett’s “Concert & Conversation”
combines cello-accompanied live piano/vocal performance, visual
presentation, and personal story. The event is the live companion to
Buffett’s “New York Times” best-selling book, “Life Is What You Make It”,
which former President Bill Clinton calls “a wise and inspiring book that
should be required reading for every young person seeking to find his or her
place in the world.”

We are inviting you to:

* Follow conference participants twittering from: @neweconomics #NEI2012

* Register to watch selected Conference plenaries and workshops via Live-Streaming beginning at 3PM EST on Friday. (See live-stream program at end of this email.)


* View the full Conference program at:


* Visit the Conference Resource Pages for background material in each theme
area. Then return to the Resource Pages at the end of June to watch videos of all workshops and plenaries.


* Apply examples from the Conference to Join in building a new economy in
your own city or region of the world.

Thank you for your ongoing interest and support!

Bob Massie
New Economics Institute
140 Jug End Road
Great Barrington, MA 01230
PO Box 121215
Boston, MA 02112- 1215
* * * * * * *
Live Stream Schedule


3:00-3:30 Welcome by New Economics Institute’s Co-Chairs Neva Goodwin and Will Raap

3:30-4:00 Plenary Session: James Gustave Speth speaking on “Building the New Economy: Ten Steps We Can Take Now”

4:00-5:00 Plenary Session: Heather McGhee speaking on “A New Economy for a New America. Respondent: Rebecca Henderson

8:00-9:00 Keynote Address: Bill McKibben speaking on “Money and Climate: Can Both Exxon and the Planet be Healthy?”


9:00-10:00 Plenary Session: Bob Massie speaking on “Building the Vision:vFinding Unity in the New Economy”

10:00-11:00 Workshop Theme: Reimagining Ownership and Work. “The Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland: A Template for Building Inclusive Local
Economies” with John Fullerton, Medrick Addison and Atlee McFellin;
Moderated by Rachel Greenspan

11:00-12:00 Workshop Theme: Messaging the New Economy. “Harnessing the Internet for Collective Projects and Action” with Tal Niv, Alnoor Ladha and Matt Stinchcomb

2:00-3:00 Plenary Session: Will Raap, Michelle Long and David Orr speaking
on “The New Economy: It’s Happening Now, Where We Live”

3:00-4:00 Workshop Theme: Visioning and Modeling. “Modeling the Great
Transition: Why Money Matters with Stewart Wallis, Emanuele Campiglio and Tim Jenkins”

4:00-5:00 Workshop Theme: Banking and Financing. “Grassroots Finance
Initiatives” with Jenny Kassan and Michael Shuman; Moderated by Susan Witt

5:00-6:00 Plenary Session: Gar Alperovitz speaking on “Our Time in History: The Possibility of Fundamental System Change.” Respondent: Alisa Gravitz


9:00-10:00 Workshop Theme: Modelling and Visioning. “Adapting to the “New Normal” in the Post Growth Era” with Richard Heinberg and Tina Clarke

10:00-11:00 Workshop Theme: Sharing the Commons. “Common Wealth in the 21st Century” with Peter Barnes and James Boyce

11:00-11:45 Plenary session: “New Economy Actions” led by Bob Massie

11:45-12:30 Plenary session: “Reflections” led by Bob Massie

**(entire announcement to MoS and lifted from a New Economy email)

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