About MoS Direct Action Fashion

The Cyclist Upcyler: Instant reincarnation fashion. A tu tu made of tire tubes, Kappo Kappino crown made of cans. For - MoS Collective Direct Action Costumes at the MoRuS Direct Action Fashion Show.

The MoS costumes seek to use materials that benefit the air, water and soil. The event was orchestrated brilliantly by The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space. The Masters of Succession Collective designed with a life cycle in mind. We consider from where the garment comes, the function and where it goes after finished. We try to make costumes that teach. Costumes that have at every part of their life cycle the by-product of better and better instead of worse and worse. This is our goal of which we’re conscious, the origin and the future of what we wear at Direct Actions is critical. Along an outfit’s life what is the contribution to the earth’s inhabitants’ quality of life. Through MoS’s costumes and experiential events we hope to shift clothing consciousness toward more responsible life-cycle fashions. We experiment with ideas of succession which also teaches green job skills, ecological design, and building a more resilient, abundant community. The by-product of which inherently causes less pollution and the succession of healthy air, water and soil. Each costume presented has a purpose, a story and a healthier  connected people.

East Village, 2016:

“Yo, No one is dressed conventionally in this village! They

all are self empowered, ecstatic and no one is hungry or

suffering. Where am I? “

For the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space in the East Village, NYC, Rolando Politi and Dee Dee Maucher worked together, gathered “masters of succession” neighbors .

To make costumes we always look for  excess and rarely go to a store:  GIZMO sewing repair shop has some fabric on my corner.  I shopped local instead of getting exactly what I wanted from midtown. I went to our neighborhood spot for sewing supplies and got a good discount on the sun faded fabric and met a neighbor costume designer and posted the flyer.  That is a local relationship is not found in mid-town.

Neighbors Lisa Shaub and Marie Argeris, local gardeners, are making hats and jewelry out of cardboard, twigs and those are compostable and Lisa puts seeds in the hat so it is plantable.  Now that is being a Master of Succession. :)

USED, Local, Non toxic, not from far away, no use of fossil fuel and so on, multi-functional
Where will the garment go when done?
How can we design clothes that will not pollute at the end or their life but help create clean water air and soil.


There is another show coming up in the fall. We would love your contributions for the event. If you make costumes this summer please add them to the show. We always could use more costume wearers and more volunteers!



Meredith in Global Warming Umbrella outfit, hat by Miki Katagiri, Photo by Konstantin Sergeyev



MoS Collection: Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball Gowns. photo by italo morelli. 2013.




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