Can Beneficial Mud Balls Clean the Gowanus Canal?
Yes, Mud Balls have been proven to do clean polluted waterways, ocean bays. lakes and rivers around the world. Large bays like Panang Bay was cleaned up in 3 years.
Help us do a patch test in the Gowanus. With this we aim to substantiate a city wide clean up of our waterways using EM-1 directly, in education and in the landscape for soil building and bioremediating run off. Effective microbes in combinations with some bioremediation and natural filtration systems on land and water we can heal the putrid waters of the Gowanus with the Beneficial Mud Balls to accelerate it. The microbial solution eats the waste and breaks down and binds the toxins so they can not be absorbed by living things. We will do a “patch” test this ourselves in the Gowanus with your help of a few bucks.
We want to produce a series of community mud ball workshops around the Gowanus Canal for a 10,000 mud ball throw to test results of this effective solution.
Pleas donate a few bucks. 1 dollar a mud ball approx. We will make as many as we can afford.
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