Breath Made Visible screening/Wrksp Portland Oregon, 9-18
I have seen the film twice and taken her workshop. I would like to go out to interview her for the Reston Film. Her Husband and collaborator was Lawrence Halprin, architect and landscape designer.
“There may be a future where more of us will call ourselves artists and work together to make art concerned with the primary issues of life. There may be a future where art is once again honored for its power to inspire, teach, transform, and heal. There may be a future in which all people dance together, when the circle is open enough for both grandparents and children, people of any color or culture or spiritual practice. There may be a future when we will ask to join the four-legged and winged creatures and the creepy-crawlies, the mountains, oceans, sun and moon, the rainforests . . . instead of asking them to join us. There may be a future that is all of this, or there may be no future at all.” — Anna Halprin
Planetary Dance Workshop with Anna Halrpin and film screening: Sept 18 and 19 Portland, Oregon