Building Eco-Citizens Towns

Whoville by Jake (this maybe a new version made for the movie).

I have noticed many leaders with a vision of creating supportive and regenerative communities. Students are leading the way because they are concerned about their air water and soil. Attached link to Kristin’s Millers Newsletter. i just read it and she and Richard Register, of Eco City Builders, have been developing a virtual-like-minded community. They call their people “eco-citizens”.

MoStown is gaining like-minds and like “cities” in which our growing village can connect. Like LA is connected to NYC, Paris and Tokyo, MoSTownians can be connected to Susty Q, which envisions a hamlet and a farm, Ecozoics in SF, described in the link, and we are building “MoS Townians”. MoS Town links to citizens with similar virtual town/real projects internationally in Paris, Berlin, Japan, Haiti and Delhi to name a few.

Let us know if you are building a “town” and a data base of projects based on healthier water, air and soil. Together we can be a new functioning world.

EcoCity Builders Newsletter:

Town Center in what was a independently developed “new town” of Reston, Va in the 60’s. It was bought from the founder in 1966 by Gulf Land Dev Corp.

What’s could a 2014 “new town” look like?

I met someone recently with a town vision at a Unitribe gathering. He was raised in Radburn, NJ. Radburn was one of the inspirations for the original Reston plans.


This is Richard Register’s vision.

Ok, keep me posted on your town plans.

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