Canning: Winter Treats!
Great fun outside today Sunday 9-11-11: canning– jarring. We learned the basics in canning food.
A nice way to commemorate 9-11.
The jars we made are visually beautiful. We also tasted delicious dilly beans previously made by Molly. Amazingly delicious! Yum! I don’t know if I can wait until winter to eat mine. My grandmother used to jar. Seemed like to me, when i was young, it must have been easy for her. I don’t have any of her recipes unfortunately. Maybe I can find some in my mother’s cookbooks.
A ph chart to understand preserving without growing bad bacteria. Easy beginners note: If there is vinegar in the recipe then no worries.
Our assignment is to jar something before the next workshop. Today since the boil didn’t get going for the peaches we had to bring them home to boil. Not so easy because I do not have a deep enough pot to submerge the jar in water. Plus I didn’t have the inside metal structure which keeps the jars off the bottom of pot. Perhaps unnecessary, but I sat the jar in the boiling water on top of some silverware so the glass wouldn’t crack. The pot U filled to the brim with water spilling over firing up the gas flame. She asked for an inch of water over the lid which i could not achieve. All Good practice. Lots to perfect.
The next Just Food workshop with Molly is Sunday, October 9th at the 6/B garden.
Maybe tomato canning.