Archive for 1. MoS Participatory

Can Beneficial Mud Balls Clean the Gowanus Canal?

Yes, Mud Balls have been proven to do clean polluted waterways, ocean bays. lakes and rivers around the world. Large bays like Panang Bay was cleaned up in 3 years. Help us do a patch test in the Gowanus. With this we aim to substantiate a city wide clean up of our waterways using EM-1 […]

MoS Exploratory River Trip

In pursuit of being on the water more often and supporting the use of its’ convenient and beautiful means of transport. Yes, MoS is all about quality of life and sustainable solutions and the river is a wonderful place for us. Our friends on the Fireboat went up to Kingston for educational purposes for a […]

6/9 Sat Figment NY Stockpile throw!

Come put to Governors Island for Figment Project!! Participatory arts festival! Sat and Sunday! June 9 and 10. The stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls will be set up and ready for throwing. Thursday we deliver the, now hard crusty fermented, mud balls to the island. The MoS archy will be there to answer questions and […]

Photos Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball

Thank-you everyone who made it to the Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball. Photos below! I didn’t get the photo ops until Keat Reminded me. More photos maybe to come from other. Check also The event started with champagne and strawberries courtesy of Greg Sherman. Then Shig stated with an explanation of beneficial microbes and […]

5/27 Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball Scene 2

Yes Folks, Scene 2: Sunday 5/27 “The Official” Beneficial Mud Ball Benefit Ball: 3pm – 8pm again at El Jardin del Paraiso NY NY 10009. Between 4th and 5th St and Ave C /D. Come in your Mud ball gowns and play clothes to make 700 mud balls and dance with your dirty friends to […]

The Great ReSkilling

MoS set up It’s concept of Abundance for The Great Reskiling put on by Ecophilia. MoSCollective’s Summer Decadence offerings for care of ourselves, each-other and inturn the environment. • Sewing old T-shirts in to very cool bikinis. We upcycled a great t from Food Democracy Now! with a quote in the back of the bottom […]

5/20 Mud Ball Ball Scene 1

; Yes Folks This Sunday (and next Sunday). Watershed Stewardship with The Beneficial Mud Ball Benefit Ball: “The Rehersal” Come in your big ball gowns, or summer play clothes to make mud balls (50 balls each) and dance with your dirty friends to Harry Connick Jr and New Orleans Jazz. Eat oysters and flaming brandy […]

NYC 6th Annual Dance Parade order

Check out whose in the parade: Parade order :

The Trail of Tears Black Bean Seeds

From the seed exchange circle at the OWS Farmers Solidarity celebration event and march I was given hand picked black bean seeds from the Trail of Tears in Asheville, NC. I have planted the seeds and have several growing very well in the La Plaza Garden and on a Bushwick Terrace.

June 9: FIGMENT: Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls!

Figment 2012, June 9 & 10!   Figment Project 2012 SATURDAY 6/9 (SUN if there are any left) ON THE FIGMENT MAP  C9 :  that is along the waterfront before Castle William as your are coming off the ferry. scroll to the S’s.   At Figment: The second official throw event in the USA! (That is […]

Pics: Mud Ball Class at Trilok

Masters of Succession are teaching teachers how to make Beneficial Mud Balls to bioremediate the waterways. The EM-1 microbial solution is fermented inside them. This is on rainy day hosted by Vandra, of Vokashi Service fame, set us up. She also was able to get some dirt– on the-not-dry-so-dry-side. Lol– so this batch is very […]

Lake Anne Permaculture Design Plan

Here is the Permaculture Design Plan for Lake Anne Village. I 2009 All rights reserved DD Maucher. Republish for education and non for profit only. Background: The county and place of Reston gas been for yard trying to regenerate economy in this village center. Once big box and lots of shopping choices moved the money […]

Defrosting Utopia: Raising Reston: Documentary

In this film research we are defrosting 1960’s Reston to see if there is anything there we can learn to help the next generation build places for our new regenerative lifestyles. Raising Reston is the story of trials and tribulations of Mr. Simon’s life and how he managed to build a thriving new town from […]

4/21 Seed Celebration At Old Stone House

6th Annual Spring free SEED CELEBRATION Saturday, April 21, 201211am – 3pm The Old Stone House in Washington Park, Park Slope, BK (btwn 3rd & 4th St and 4th & 5th Ave) – seed art – seed sales – seed trading – seed saving library – seed saving kit raffle – guess that seed! – hands-on learning – […]

March 3rd: Beneficial Mud Ball Workshop in Ft Greene

March 3, 2012, 11 am SAT It’s at Trilok in Brooklyn, Fort Greene. 143 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205 map Each month Vokashi holds demonstrations on fermenting food waste and other applications of EM-1 in water and soil remediations at Trilok Fusion Center. Vokashi is pleased that the MOS Collective will lead this hands on demonstration of making EM-bokashi […]

F27: Seed EXCHANGE, Seed-Ball-Bike-Ride & Community Garden Tour

NYC: Come with the Masters Of Succession and many other groups as we save and spread and grow seeds. Monday, February 27, 2012 at 11:30am/  2pm / 3pm Occupy Our Food Supply is bringing together the Occupy, sustainable farming, food justice, buy local, slow food, and environmental movements for a global day of action […]

Family Farmers vrs Monsanto

Some members of MoS went down to Foley Square to support the Farmers as they came out of court on Tuesday am. It was an inspiring day. These family farmers had come along way for this day. (This is just the beginning). They were not happy and very disappointed in the behavior of the judge. […]

MoS Tour of Greenpeace Boat

Some of the Masters Of Succession took a tour of the custom made Greenpeace boat fresh off the press. It was built in Germany for Greenpeace. 25 million or so Euros. First boat of it’s kind with the A frame masts. They are off to the Amazon stopping n nyc for a week. One of […]

Video of Farmers’ Speak Out Nice video of the OWS Farmers’ March, NYC produced by Food Democracy Now! Looking at problems and solutions. More photos by DD’s phone.

Food Solidarity Map: Gallery of Problems & Solutions

Photo gallery of some of the cards so far. Send us more and we will post them for you! Questions? Contact

Farm Bill Hackathon Projects

  Farm Bill Hackathon Makes Tools to Visualize Broad Set of Food & Ag issues . Over the weekend the Farm Bill Hackathon brought together (in person and virtually) 120 designers, data scientists, developers, marketing professionals, food policy experts, and USDA employees, to “hack” one of the most important pieces of legislation in the U.S. – the […]

Food Solidarity Map for Farmers & Eaters

Click to view the gallery of card postings from the OWS Food Solidarity Map. This interactive map was started at the Farmers’ March at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden, NYC, 12/4/2011. Send your additions: Location | Problem | Solution | Contact info Indicate if you want the contact listed online or not Gallery:

Dance Reflects on Rise & Fall of Civilizations

Valerie Green/Dance Entropy Jan. 20-22, 2012: Baruch Performing Arts Center, NYC Rise and Fall choreographic dance work is based on the cycle of a civilization running the following cycle: a new beginning, tracing footprints and remnants of the past, developing population, agriculture, industrialization, modernization, gross consumption, awareness, terror, population dissipation and knowledge to begin again. […]

Farm Bill Hackathon Dec 3

Food+Tech Connect and Gojee are bringing together journalists, technologists, designers, policy makers, and food data specialists to develop tools and visualizations that help the public better understand how the Farm Bill impacts our lives. The hackathon will take place as part of the International Open Data Hackathon. The Farm Bill effects us all – influencing […]

Bike Power Urgent Call

Thursday early 10/27 all the generators were removed from OWS. An urgent call went out for more bike power by sundown. There was not enough time to receive the ones on order. Boston Occupy offered 5 bikes. At 2pm there was a van on it’s way. Bike power is the right kind of thinking. Some […]

EM-1 Uses

This is a good overall resource for using the beneficial bacteria EM-1. This was sent out as a response for settlement use at Occupy 2011. Also mentioned for the pooping potential solutions discussed but never materialized. Not sure what they did when McD’s was closed. EM-1 bacteria solution loves waste. Shig brings it on straight. […]

Permaculture @ OWS

Vimeo video: Link to video Permaculture at OWS There is now an OSW Permaculture group. For those of you who want to participate the second meeting is Thursday 13, 5:30 at the red cube which is a private space where sit down meetings can not occur for very long. If it moves look for postings […]

Permie’s “Food Co-op Space” sells to Church

Churches, Banks, nail salons, hair dressers, bodegas. Does a complete healthy food store have no place in a town center? Since this building was for sale — over a year or 2 — no one magically stepped up to start a food co-op on Lake Anne Plaza in Reston, VA however, it is perfect for that […]

10/1/11: New New York St Fair Wythe/11th Willamsburg

  Click on image for video of last years event. I’d like to meet this boat. A Green Street Fair put on by GreenHOME  

Canning: Winter Treats!

Great fun outside today Sunday 9-11-11: canning– jarring. We learned the basics in canning food. A nice way to commemorate 9-11. The jars we made are visually beautiful. We also tasted delicious dilly beans previously made by Molly. Amazingly delicious! Yum! I don’t know if I can wait until winter to eat mine. My grandmother […]