Archive for 2. MoS TOWN

Two Row building Ephemeral Porto Piazzas

Day one: Loaded up for the 9 day row – Kingston-NYC for the preliminary voyage of the Two Row Camp: keeping the flame alive. The on-going mission It is not about campaigning for rights but about educating and living a way of life that supports and respects all humans and their ecosystem for a better […]

Video of Mud Village at Figment 2014

Click MORE to see VIDEO. A short video of the collective’s casual Mud Village Piazza happenings at Figment NYC by Matthew Belen.

The Two Row Camping Hudson River -> NYC Aug 1-11

or any days in between by bike or paddle or train. Launch is now after the Bear Mountain Reunion. Check details on web site. Things are building – stay up to date on This is not part of the renewal campaign. This is an effort to “keep the flame alive” in regards to the […]

The Beneficial MudBall Ball Review & Photos 2014

On June 1st The Masters Of Succession Presented: The 3rd BENEFICIAL MUDBALL BENEFICIAL MUD BALL (The MudBall Ball) A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. The MoS Collective comes together to Seed Serendipity one Piazza at a time. [] [ – old link ] [the SHORT LINK: ]   , What is the MudBall Ball? […]

MoS Town Hall Projects

We have had 3 meetings: There are now many projects and skills on the table so we will start shuffling stitching them into a bigger networked picture by using index cards on the table Thursday. To be involved just (you might be that missing piece) . . Send us : Name Location : neighborhood Projects […]

2/6 Mos Town Hall Meeting #3

MoS Town Hall Meeting: #3 in a meeting series: Bioremedation + Public Space. Thursday, Feb 6, 2014, 6:15 pm
Jimmy’s No 43 East 7th St Back-room. Find supportive links for your projects and visions in ’14. (Stay for hobnobbing at the bar after 9). Day to day we interact with bioremediaton more and more to survive. We have gotten to the point where we need to filter or clean our air, water and soil in our daily doings otherwise it may make us sick. Even ancient civilizations practiced some kind of beneficial succession of their water, air and soil to sustain their people. Now that we are scientifically much more advanced at polluting our natural resources we have also become disconnected from these processes that meet our needs. We must learn to be similarly as innovative at designing scientific systems that will have the by-product of beneficial succession. We can tie the 2 desires if we make bioremediation part of the intention.  Public Space and the commons is a good place to tie in this bioremediation.

Be a MoSTownian!

Be creative n’ active w MoS. Become a MoStownie! Participate and add your creativity, idea, projects to the town. To get started send an email with what your interests for the cool town of MoS. A virtual everywhere place where the by product of everything we do is good also for the water, air and […]

Lake Anne Permaculture Design Plan

Here is the Permaculture Design Plan for Lake Anne Village. I 2009 All rights reserved DD Maucher. Republish for education and non for profit only. Background: The county and place of Reston gas been for yard trying to regenerate economy in this village center. Once big box and lots of shopping choices moved the money […]

Interview on Heritage Radio Network

Burning Down The House Radio program hosted by Curtis B. Wayne. Talk with DD Maucher of the MoS Collective about growing up in Reston Va and on bioremediation with Beneficial Mud Balls with EM-1 microbial inoculate and other natural solutions. (I think this was a first) “Listen in this week on Burning Down the house […]

EcoCities World Summit 2011 and 2013

MoS represented last year at Eco Cities 2011, in Montreal. MoS represented at the Montreal EcoCity World Summit. We went to the conference – viewed panels, shared time and poignant conversation with the founder Richard Register. Previously we had met him for an interview and tour of the East Village Gardens with Wendy Brawer of […]

Ecocities World Summit 2013 in Nantes, France

The 10th International Ecocity Conference Nantes, France, September 23-27, 2013 The Deputy Mayor of the City was sitting next to the MoS Collective table. I overheard amongst the french words “Americans” twice. So I had to interrupt. They were wondering how many Americans would come. They asked me if Americans would come. “Well, I […]

City of Dreams – Curibita, Brazil

It’s not a dream. It’s a necessity. Watch the video!   City of Dreams – Brazil Jaime Lerner : Brazilian urban planning guru. – He has a commitment to simplicity, no fear of simplicity. – Cities should have 3 main principles: mobility, sustainability, identity _transportation _extensive networks of parks: used flooding to his benefit, no mowing […]