Archive for 1. Beneficial Microbes/Mud Balls

[Shig] How many mud balls would it take to remediate the Gowanus?

A student at Columbia asked us after a TEd X Dumbo presentation in 2012, “How many mud balls would it take to clean the Gowanus and how much would that cost?”. The best answer would take careful study with pros who have remediated other large systems. However, Shig took the time to create an answer. […]

3/27 & 3/28 EM Expert, Pit Mau, from Germany visiting NYC

Learn more about Effective Microorganisms (EM) from the editor of the EM Journal and about EM in Germany. Pit Mau is the managing director of EM e.V., a nonprofit organization in Germany that publishes the EM Journal for which he is also the editor. He will be visiting New York City, and if you would […]

We need your help: Join us in Sandy Relief with EM-1.

Announcing EM•1 SANDY Relief: with a Google Group: Join the group and take a leadership role in this process. Contact us to be a leader. We will train you and teach you everything you need to know. It is not a long learning curve and it is a green business! Heal a disaster zone as […]

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

Phosphorus: Eastern Long Island

Southampton NY. August 8th 2012 After swimming in bioluminesence in a bay near my friend’s house, visiting the ponds and lakes around South Hampton with Gary Glanz and receiving an email about the Mill River Pond that is full of phosphorus I decided to do some catching up on phosphorus in Wikipeadia. The lakes I visited […]


(Dutch only Click to page for link to activate) EM Mudballs Movement in Belgium As a part of the EM Mudball Movement, our partner in Belgium organized a pilot project to purify a pond using EM™ mudballs. This is the first time that EM™ Mudballs are applied to treat sludge in Belgium. The Focus WTV […]

[MoS Arch-Duke Mankiewicz] Is Gowanus Doable?

July 7 2012 Gowanus is doable? [meaning it can be cleaned-up partly with EM-1] PSM in a quick email… “Yes, compared to the biological capacity of the Gowanus edges low water volume because it is shallow relatively rapid diffusion rate because the volume is relatively small, and large comparative volume of tidal input and comported […]

My Activated EM-1 Smells like Vomit

Okay, but it  is still good maybe? YES! depends on your nose. It is the Pediococcus that has gotten inside somehow. A naturally occuring bacteria. It is considered a contaminant when making beer and Activated EM. Here’s what Susan Greenfield wrote, an EM-1 seller, family farmer, and large scale bokashi composter at El SOl Brilliante Garden […]

February 2013: Help Green Haiti Tour

Haiti Post Earthquake Reconstruction and Cultural Preservation Tour February 2013, Date: TBD Workshops | Composting | Aquaponics | Beekeeping | Entrepreneurship Reposting, download PDF. Please share. My NYC Permaculture friend, Ki Ki, is hosting this workshop in his country of Haiti. He has been working on this for several years and this will be a wonderful opportunity for learning, helping and understanding. […]

NYT: Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Japanese composting may be new food waste solution

By JAY LINDSAY, Associated Press

Can Beneficial Mud Balls Clean the Gowanus Canal?

Yes, Mud Balls have been proven to do clean polluted waterways, ocean bays. lakes and rivers around the world. Large bays like Panang Bay was cleaned up in 3 years. Help us do a patch test in the Gowanus. With this we aim to substantiate a city wide clean up of our waterways using EM-1 […]

Seedlings Thrive with Bokashi Layer in Pots

Early this season I took a bucket of finagled bokashi fermented Food waste to sandwich in the terrace planters. Then I put in the seeds. I have never grown parsley from seed very well. Piece a cake. Look at how tall this grass is behind this wild tiger. It is twice as high as usual […]

Defrosting Utopia: Raising Reston: Documentary

In this film research we are defrosting 1960’s Reston to see if there is anything there we can learn to help the next generation build places for our new regenerative lifestyles. Raising Reston is the story of trials and tribulations of Mr. Simon’s life and how he managed to build a thriving new town from […]

What is Terra Preta

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Terra preta (literally “black earth” in Portuguese) is a type of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soil found in the Amazon Basin. Terra preta owes its name to its very high charcoal content, and was indeed made by adding a mixture of charcoal, bone, and manure to the otherwise relatively infertile Amazonian soil over many […]

4/21 Seed Celebration At Old Stone House

6th Annual Spring free SEED CELEBRATION Saturday, April 21, 201211am – 3pm The Old Stone House in Washington Park, Park Slope, BK (btwn 3rd & 4th St and 4th & 5th Ave) – seed art – seed sales – seed trading – seed saving library – seed saving kit raffle – guess that seed! – hands-on learning – […]

The Gowanus Conservancy

A friend of the Gowanus Conservancy took me to this hidden spot on the canal. We walked from The Old Stone House educational museum I’n Brooklyn half way between that the 4th Ave R train. This grass roots conservancy has built up a natural ecosystem on the bank of the canal. Surrounded by industry and […]

EM-1 Uses

This is a good overall resource for using the beneficial bacteria EM-1. This was sent out as a response for settlement use at Occupy 2011. Also mentioned for the pooping potential solutions discussed but never materialized. Not sure what they did when McD’s was closed. EM-1 bacteria solution loves waste. Shig brings it on straight. […]

Beneficial Mud Balls: healthier in one year.

As we ramp up for a presentation to start Mud Balls in NYC Schools… this article by Dr.Teruo Higa is sent to me by Shig. Read about the results of “A million Apologies to Mother Earth” project in Panang where over a million beneficial mud balls were thrown into the sea . Dr. Teruo Higa  talks of […]

New Town Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Tour

The East Side Manhattan waste water goes to The New Town Creek Treatment Plant.   Then the cleaned products goes to the river and farms.   Ahh, I hope they don’t grow food but they do. The pellets feed cattle, grow corn and wheat.   It is processed with beneficial bacteria in the “digester eggs” […]

A.EM-1 Cleaned this Paint Brush

I didn’t think this was going to be such a big deal so I didn’t take a before photo. A large paint brush I used to put the cement on to the Snail Shell of the Mini Golf..   it hardened full of cement. So I tried my best.. then gave up.. threw it in […]

Get Bokashi Starter for Food Waste Fermentation

It’s ready! Make a donation and receive The MoS Fermented Starter. We made bokashi for workshop participants requesting it.  Click “read more” to get some bokashi, organize your building, arrange pick up schedule, read pros/cons list & find next free workshop. We offer: •  workshops at your home, building and office, contact us •  set up […]

Trenching Bokashi for Soil Fertilization

I saved up 2 1/2 containers of food waste before I had time to trench it. With compost I would have had to put it in the freezer. I brought the 2 containers of pickled-ness to my plot in the East Village and trenched it. I took out the arugula section for one container and […]

Are we filtering the wrong microbes?

Jessica Green: Are we filtering the wrong microbes?

Effective Microorganisms Reduce Radiation

Note from Shig Matsukawa: ” I think this is important since radioactive materials (fallout) are being detected throughout the world. this is Higa’s monthly message at “The Damage Done by Radiation is Not Just Due to Radiation…” After reading the above, you can click on “Previous” in the linked webpage above or click […]

Next Shig Workshops: No Stink composting! El Jardin

Next Bokashi “Fermenting food Scrap” Workshops!! Saturdays in July 2011 Great for apt! Easier than composting. No Smell, no rotting, no flies. at El Jardin del Paraiso community garden on East 5th Street between Ave C & D (the large garden spanning from 4th to 5th Street) July 16, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm July 23, […]

Eric Lancaster on EM-1

  Eric is the distributor for EM-1 in North America. He has produced many products with EM — even a delicious beer! He talks of a wider vision of EM-1.

Fermented Frocks: on Ted

The MoS Collective should have our succession event clothes made by her. :) TED 2011: Fermented Frocks  

Em-1 Mud Ball Test NYC

EM-1 Mudball Test Dog-Run Waste Experiment was started on 8/27/10. Waste from a dog run including, sand with urine and feces. “0” = no EM mudball (control) “1” = one EM mudball “2” = two EM mudballs Test by Shig Matsukawa (NYC EM-1), Barbara and Susan at El Sol Brilliante Garden, NYC. The latest observations […]

EM’s antidote to PUs