Archive for New York City

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

Workshop Pics: Microbes at M’Finda Kalunga Garden LES NYC

MoS workshop Sponsored by Green Map and Times-Up! MoS workshop at M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden as a part of the Sara D Sustainability Series. Thanks very much for everyone’s support and interest in the symbiotic beneficials and their ability to create healthy succession by working together. Times-up is working on offering free workshop series’ at many new […]

EM-1 At Sara D Sustainability Series

08-09-2012 The MoS Collective taught a bokashi and mud ball workshop for the members of the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden.  It went in to the darkness of the night. The fact that EM•1® microbes co-exist with indigenous microbes is one reason why EM•1® has many varied uses. Press:  The Villager The Masters of […]

8/24 EM-1 Workshop

Friday, AUGUST 24, 2012 EM-1 Boakshi food waste into fertilizer and Beneficial Mud balls for waterway cleaning! With Times-Up! & Green Map Workshop Series M’Finda Kalunga Garden, NYC,  Lower East Side Garden Susan Greenfield and DD Maucher will be teaching EM, Bokashi and Mud Balls. Time/ INFO TO COME. 6:30pm LOCATION LINK: View Larger Map […]


FALL 2012 October 6 and 7: the weekend Harvest Arts Festival! Lower East Side Community Gardens — free Produced by LUNGS (lower East Side Community Gardens) (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens) At La Plaza Garden (9th St / Ave B-C) MoS’S LaboRAtory of Arts: We will be teaching and making Beneficial Mud Balls body lotion all […]

[MoS Arch-Duke Mankiewicz] Is Gowanus Doable?

July 7 2012 Gowanus is doable? [meaning it can be cleaned-up partly with EM-1] PSM in a quick email… “Yes, compared to the biological capacity of the Gowanus edges low water volume because it is shallow relatively rapid diffusion rate because the volume is relatively small, and large comparative volume of tidal input and comported […]

7/17 Food + Tech Meet Up: Food Distribution

Food + Tech is one of my favorite meet ups with Danielle. I biked to filthy mid town for this in 100 degree heat. Natural heat I don’t mind but the heat from cars /trucks and energy hog buildings is nasty. Vents were spewing out more heat. I have a sore throat from talking so […]

7/19 Green Drinks + Art + Mud Balls

Jersey City Sustainable Green Drinks + Art + Beneficial Mud Ball teaching with Shig, DD and friends. Thursday 19th > Thursday, July 19, 2012, 6:00 PM To 9:00 PM.  Culinary Conference Center @ Hudson County Community College.  161 Newkirk St. Building E , Jersey City , NJ (map) a short walk from the Journal Square PATH Station It’s all about fun […]

MoS: Raising Funds to Clean Gowanus w/EM-1 Mud Balls!

Help test treat the Gowanus Canal with beneficial microorganisms! The microbial solution eats the waste, breaks down toxins and binds the metals so they can not be absorbed by living things. Double your money on IOBY this month! Helping at the root of the problem for long-term benefits. The program includes: workshops and fun interactive […]

6/24: The Spread! at the Traditional Food Pot Luck

Claudia Keel, nutritionist herbalist, is the chapter head for the Westen A Price Foundation — NYC Chapter. She coordinates opportunities to buy on line and pick up traditional foods in NYC. They have a facebook page with a web site to come. It was at El Jardin Garden in the East Village, NYC. I […]

Video: Figment Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls

FIGMENT NYC 2012: The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls! Thank you Keat, Shig, Michael, Naoko, TIm and all the others that helped out at the MoS Stockpile Saturday at FIGMENT Project! Video: Click for IOBY Campaign for the Gowanus Canal: Tax Deduction and swag and more fund events >>> SUPPORT ACCELERATED WATER CLEANING with microbes that eat […]

A Hat to Help You & Our Waterways!

Hi world, New Successive Hat!! Buy an authentic Miki Katagiri Super Sun Shade Hat. It IS GOOD FOR YOU: This wide brim hat you will protect your eyes as well as your face and back of the neck from sun damage. Also use to a natural SPF 4 is the highest natural sunscreen. White Zinc […]

Can Beneficial Mud Balls Clean the Gowanus Canal?

Yes, Mud Balls have been proven to do clean polluted waterways, ocean bays. lakes and rivers around the world. Large bays like Panang Bay was cleaned up in 3 years. Help us do a patch test in the Gowanus. With this we aim to substantiate a city wide clean up of our waterways using EM-1 […]

Seedlings Thrive with Bokashi Layer in Pots

Early this season I took a bucket of finagled bokashi fermented Food waste to sandwich in the terrace planters. Then I put in the seeds. I have never grown parsley from seed very well. Piece a cake. Look at how tall this grass is behind this wild tiger. It is twice as high as usual […]

MoS Exploratory River Trip

In pursuit of being on the water more often and supporting the use of its’ convenient and beautiful means of transport. Yes, MoS is all about quality of life and sustainable solutions and the river is a wonderful place for us. Our friends on the Fireboat went up to Kingston for educational purposes for a […]

6/9 Sat Figment NY Stockpile throw!

Come put to Governors Island for Figment Project!! Participatory arts festival! Sat and Sunday! June 9 and 10. The stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls will be set up and ready for throwing. Thursday we deliver the, now hard crusty fermented, mud balls to the island. The MoS archy will be there to answer questions and […]

Photos Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball

Thank-you everyone who made it to the Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball. Photos below! I didn’t get the photo ops until Keat Reminded me. More photos maybe to come from other. Check also The event started with champagne and strawberries courtesy of Greg Sherman. Then Shig stated with an explanation of beneficial microbes and […]

5/27 Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball Scene 2

Yes Folks, Scene 2: Sunday 5/27 “The Official” Beneficial Mud Ball Benefit Ball: 3pm – 8pm again at El Jardin del Paraiso NY NY 10009. Between 4th and 5th St and Ave C /D. Come in your Mud ball gowns and play clothes to make 700 mud balls and dance with your dirty friends to […]

The Great ReSkilling

MoS set up It’s concept of Abundance for The Great Reskiling put on by Ecophilia. MoSCollective’s Summer Decadence offerings for care of ourselves, each-other and inturn the environment. • Sewing old T-shirts in to very cool bikinis. We upcycled a great t from Food Democracy Now! with a quote in the back of the bottom […]

5/20 Mud Ball Ball Scene 1

; Yes Folks This Sunday (and next Sunday). Watershed Stewardship with The Beneficial Mud Ball Benefit Ball: “The Rehersal” Come in your big ball gowns, or summer play clothes to make mud balls (50 balls each) and dance with your dirty friends to Harry Connick Jr and New Orleans Jazz. Eat oysters and flaming brandy […]

NYC 6th Annual Dance Parade order

Check out whose in the parade: Parade order :

The Trail of Tears Black Bean Seeds

From the seed exchange circle at the OWS Farmers Solidarity celebration event and march I was given hand picked black bean seeds from the Trail of Tears in Asheville, NC. I have planted the seeds and have several growing very well in the La Plaza Garden and on a Bushwick Terrace.

June 9: FIGMENT: Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls!

Figment 2012, June 9 & 10!   Figment Project 2012 SATURDAY 6/9 (SUN if there are any left) ON THE FIGMENT MAP  C9 :  that is along the waterfront before Castle William as your are coming off the ferry. scroll to the S’s.   At Figment: The second official throw event in the USA! (That is […]

Submit A Bike Share Location But cycle away from using Citibank. Be thankful and appreciative for the bike but use a small bank or Credit Union. Keep small businesses alive.

Pics: Mud Ball Class at Trilok

Masters of Succession are teaching teachers how to make Beneficial Mud Balls to bioremediate the waterways. The EM-1 microbial solution is fermented inside them. This is on rainy day hosted by Vandra, of Vokashi Service fame, set us up. She also was able to get some dirt– on the-not-dry-so-dry-side. Lol– so this batch is very […]

Largest hydroponic Greenhouse

Next spring on the Brooklyn waterfront will be the first harvest from the largest hydroponic roof top farm in the country. Copy it. Copy copy copy. Local urban produce. We can feed ourselves locally yes we can. Rain harvested from the roof will be 1.8 million gallons. Currently from this one roof, that rain floods […]

4/21 Seed Celebration At Old Stone House

6th Annual Spring free SEED CELEBRATION Saturday, April 21, 201211am – 3pm The Old Stone House in Washington Park, Park Slope, BK (btwn 3rd & 4th St and 4th & 5th Ave) – seed art – seed sales – seed trading – seed saving library – seed saving kit raffle – guess that seed! – hands-on learning – […]

Video Feed of Passive House Retrofit

Great opportunity to learn while they are doing. A camera will be mounted to record the retrofit of a Park Slope townhouse in Brooklyn NY.  5$ per month to off-set their cost. For more information:  

CO-OP Health Care

Freelancers take note: Excerpt from Freelancers Union Newsletter: CO-OPs are nonprofit health insurance plans that are focused on the needs of the insured, not on making a profit – a belief that is core to our work. Widely regarded as one of the most innovative cost-containment solutions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act […]

March 3rd: Beneficial Mud Ball Workshop in Ft Greene

March 3, 2012, 11 am SAT It’s at Trilok in Brooklyn, Fort Greene. 143 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11205 map Each month Vokashi holds demonstrations on fermenting food waste and other applications of EM-1 in water and soil remediations at Trilok Fusion Center. Vokashi is pleased that the MOS Collective will lead this hands on demonstration of making EM-bokashi […]