Could Dekota Standing Rock become a “MôS Town”?
It’s interesting to me to compare the growing encampment of Standing Rock to other pop up camping like Burning Man, with over 50k ppl for a short time. Standing Rock is an action by the water stewards to protect the earth. Emergency Earth Medicine Towns, EMT’S, or Ephemeral MoS Towns.
I envision a new movement of pop up earth care sites. The protectors build villages that are then abandoned yet they leave behind betterment. So they are also Ephemeral MoS Towns.
In the future, the EMT’s are historic sites, like Stonehenge, but will be lush cornucopias since there were set up with the plan of beneficial succession, like Terra Preta. The abandoned emergency earth habitat medicine villages will be future zones for abandoned people (ZAPs) to thrive. The abandoned, independent people become the important caretakers of these historic EMT’s that saved the “PlasticScene Era” from extinction.