Cocoon Evolution: “Change”

Change: Act 4 of Garbagia 2020

Our planet asked us to stop.  May we go inward to listen and reemerge to relearn the symbiotic pathways of microbes that know so much more. We’ll grow naturally into a better metropolis. We’re an accumulation, a succession toward a vibrant, verdant and just home.

Elizabeth Detjens Maucher aka dd cocoon edited photo by Julian  Loisaida

Click to video: Elizabeth Detjens Maucher (Dee Dee)  Still of film, shot & edited by Julián Gernick at Loisaida TV.


password: moslobs

We pause to emerge from the dystopia toward an evolution — from microbes to metropolis.

A collaboration in September 2020 with Dee Dee Maucher & Loisaida TV & Media Lab for Act 4 of their annual Opera “Garbagia”, 2020 theme Change”, for an online zoom presentation.

Video was made at Loisaida Center’s media lab.

Collaborators: Elizabeth Detjens Maucher (Dee Dee) studio performance at Grace Exhibition Space, NYC, Loisaida Center’s Paul Garrin, Media Lab Director, added NASA Images, Julián Garnik filmography, lighting & editing, sound and titles.

In 2020 DD’s Maucher’s MoSMoBSLoBS Lab is currently the resident at Grace Performance Space, NYC where this was performed spontaneously. She jumped in her lock down, inward being, cocoon installation. This space is a journey of healing us & earth toward deeper symbiotic interconnectivity — “interbeing” a great word too — as Maucher hears Charles Eisenstein & Gabor Mate use often. The show is “Microbes to Metropolis” — April 1 to Oct 31, 2020.

Thank-you crew and Jill & Hoke at GES for choosing me as a resident during this fragile time. Maucher credits the local creative community & Rolando Politi for heroically leading the community and distilling this theme especially after the sudden death of inspirational Dani Polneau.  Also this 2020 his creative Collaborator, Daniela Fabrizi and her partner Patricio, birthed a son. Death & birth. The concept of 2020 Garbagia is “Change”.

MoS Collective offers the Ephemeral Piazza. Act 4. But how if we can’t be together? DD asked each participant to make a 20 second video contribution she would stitch together and somehow show we are interwoven.

JC Augustine’s caterpillar, a butterfly performance for the epiphany to offer cocoon movement, spontaneously performed at Grace Exhibition space during Maucher’s residency there.

The “Change” title for this is “La Plaza Efimera: a fantastical space for our community”. This title is actually for that larger collaborative video explained above which became too large to export off DD’s iPhone. It was to be ACT 4 of the Opera. Still it can! This cocoon piece was shown in its’ place.  The real community “La Plaza Efimera” WiLL emerge!

The MöS Ephemeral Piazza (EP) is an ongoing project since 2013 by

Numerous participants contributed to 2020 EP and to thank them for their excellent contributions. JK Canepa, JC Augustine, Kathy Puffer, Harry Lichtenstein, Betty T Kao, Wenting Chen, and Megan Perry & more.

To participate in the Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession, “Living LoBS”, at  contact us.


Cocoon Elizabeth Detjens maucher  dd 1 E33773C5-443F-4E52-A1D7-08393747201C 721A173F-22FB-44B9-98EC-E818E746140B DE396D0B-D667-44C3-9C5B-F6689F6984B9 5A032B6C-4FC0-4748-826E-BD1238009F2E 431CC0CD-D886-4629-829A-FF15F3C6C420


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