A Coincidence of Wants

The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

Ted talk 5/2010: About needs and resource connecting and what economists call the “coincidence of wants”. Sharing common needs and wants, trading.


TED TALK: Rachel Botsman: The Case For Collaborative Consumption

Side note: Sharing… many years ago I remember Mac software becoming big in “sharing”.  The “export” option wasn’t as clear as I was used to. To export my work in imovie …  I had to “share” it via email, blog, or …. whatever my choices were it was frustrating making the file type I wanted.  Thanks, I got it now I can export but in the beginning I had to experiment with the “sharing” options and figure which one fit my purpose. Then extract it from the mail program.. or send it to myself… or remove it from the web site folder. I spent much time doing and undoing the handy-dandy sharing to get the file type I was after.

Sharing became very important to Macs. Now it has expanded into all kinds of marketing and branding … (as if Mac reinvented sharing?) Possibly, advertising and marketing are responsible for a lot of cool and not so cool things. Maybe marketers can change their bottom line to collaborative consumption. The by product will be increased human relations and reduced manufacturing of unsustainable products which means improved water, air and soil.


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