Dee Dee Maucher, Founder

Currently the 2024 Artist in Residence at the new Tidewater Center (in progress) in Saugerties on the Esopus tidal estuary. Home of Arm of The Sea puppet theater.

She is making connections with people to stockpile lifestyle accumulations, waste, excesses that are bioremediating through living LoBS: Lifestyle of Bioremediation & Symbiosis.

The Living LoBS by products create art/lifestyles which also creates the beneficial succession of air water, soil & selves.

At Tidewater she has made another MôS Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS): banquet for the Estuary. It includes MôS Bioremediating Biospheres: seed balls, mud balls to throw; bio textiles, growing fungi, mollusk, plants, paper ink & dyes which all give life to the estuary and us.

9/12/2024 was The Great Launch of The FBS was made from Living LoBS Lab at Tidewater. it is on the sand bar floating up and down with the tide on the sand bar. There are on-going tests with fresh water mollusk propagating, blue oyster fungi blocks and EM-1 Bokashi Balls, (dried fermented mud balls).

Dee Dee’s work includes:
14 yrs Permaculture & Living Systems Design bringing clients, their people, nature & community into symbiosis through a foundation from which Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession (Living LoBS) spiral in exponentially abundance. PDC2009.

14 yrs Artistic Producer of experiential multi disciplinary, social practice founding The Master’s of Succession Collective: place making incubation spaces for one’s Lifestyles of Bioremediation and Symbiosis (LoBS) which takes place in Ephemeral Piazzas (EP). From there we are the experiential MoS MoBS LoBS Labs and The Wellness Circle.  Out of this fertile soil grew the Microbes to Metropolis: 7 chronicle pedagogy to unfold our own living LoBS chronicles & symbiotic networks.

Did I loose you? There is a MôS Glossary.

15 yrs of multinational print and digital production, strategic promotion & branding, multimedia, interactive web, documentary arts, supporting ecology, arts and wellness.

May our lifestyles catalyze the beneficial succession of air, water, soil and selves.

DD is a past-present-futurist and synergetiscist who catalyzes regenerative relationships into exponential habits toward beneficial lifestyle patterns.  She founded The Masters of Succession Collective to build an experimental community of like minded (permaculture practitioners) people working in relationship to each other & earth to grow community, village, town. Innovating healthier abundance possibilities.

The practice has synthesized 14 yrs of experimental lifestyle innovations into MoS’s “Microbes to Metropolis”: what is now six chronicles that lead to lifestyles of beneficial succession.  The chronicles write themselves as they unfold to reveal one’s own living loving LoBS (Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis).

The MoSMoBSLoBSLab offers this pedagogy to observe, learn and create reciprocal pathways and biological lifestyle patterns. The work exponentially expands interconnectedness toward Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis (Living LoBS) as well as inherently creates the beneficial succession of water, air, soil & selves from microbes to metropolis.

DD has led and hosted 100’s of events with community associates & orgs. She’s taught as a visiting artist at private Universities & public  schools and camps. She created 6 yrs of monthly newsletter invitations for the East Village Wellness Circles she co-lead : reciprocity based sharing wellness skills with practitioners as community to offer and receive. The societal wellness segment in the village is most foundational to this work by building deeper relationships and resilience.

She has led or co-lead everything MôS on this web site.