“Eco-blocks” Make ur own Eco-village!
Make your own mini eco-village right on your block or in your building
1. Collect neighbors’ needs and resources
Please email us (dd at mos collective dot net ) with your data so we can Map it and add more people to your “village”.
If you email us with the data (w aliases) we will add it to the MoS New Museum “Ideas for a New City” project : May 7th. We will also send you more neighborhood data in return.
5 places in your hood that make you feel good: (sustainable preferred not mandatory)
La Plaza Cultural Garden, my fire escape, Commodities Market, Flea Market, Jimmy’s NO 43, Mon Contact Jam
5 Needs: you want or need or would make your life easier.
More participators: An artist/inventors Rep, An experienced documentary/film producer, A friend for my cat, an editorial/writer for this web site, a boat w captain to p/up food products, a farm house on the hudson river.
5 Resources: Services, assets, stuff you have to offer for free:
Thick glass milk bottles, Effective micro-organisms, movement mediation class: breathing with the spin, teaching/consulting: ecological estate design, regenerative marketing, car, editing system, large format printer, studio space. Music CDS, Mags on design/architecture/planning, vegetable & flower (great for seed bombing) seeds, thin hula hoop tubing.
If you just get 5-25 people that would be great. Sparks will be flying if you engage 25 people in your building or block. The shear insanity and excitement will be unbridled.
STEP 2 : Send data to us to map.
If you can send all your data, great. If you can only send yours that is helpful too! (Yes, as an alias is fine too)