5/9/20 Ecological City Pageant Bioremediating Sculpture
Ecological City: parade in place
Lower East Side, NYC
Made 5/8 & 9/2020
By Dee Dee with LoBS in lockdown.
During Covid-19 Sheltering
At Grace Exhibition Space
Show Sat. 5/9/20 at 4pm
MoS Collective is still collectivizing— intrinsically interconnected and growing.
5/9/2020 for the finale of the Ecological City Pageant yr 3: The River Offering. A Bioremediating sculpture by Dee Dee Maucher and MoScollective.net. From 5 feet river offering to a 5 inch puppet version for CoviD-19 at Grace Exhibition Space during DD’s residency, May 2020. Dedicated to our relationship to Mother’s as goddesses, mother Earth, all mother’s, Marta Dann, DD’s mother Eleanor Bulluck Maucher and her grandmother’s Glen Bulluck, Omi Helen Detjens Maucher and all people on this earth who develop mothering relationships. In this case, the boy pulling his mother lounging in the shade on the river raft.
Success! by a Succession of Achievements & Catastrophes
Leading up to the pageant I had an eye strain headache—- (ah corona symptoms?). I might have to cancel.
The time was ticking and bad timing for a headache. Urgently I made a hot bath, gallon of hot lemon water, take a Tylenol, an airborne, gummy elderberry. The show must go on. I had lows left to do to complete the idea from the night before. Ha.
The bioremediating sculpture.
I was a not well slept or fed, made teeny knots with shaky hands, a sail and delicate peddles for the bike. At 3:45 the para-bike kid fell to pieces! I was deflated. The obstacles seemed too be winning. i was still not able to get on zoom. No word from production crew. I may just not show it.
Then I invited in my mother and grandmothers — as indigenous do in ceremonies and shaman dream circles … “this is for you” I said. It helped. Omi Detjens, the grounded German mom energy from Staten Island. Yay. I was calm, it all came together and I made sense. Perhaps a miracle. or was it LoBS?
I told Marta too— this relationship looked to be a tribute for her and her son too. It was Mother’s Day the next day.
This was an unexpected design. Before covid lockdown I was going to make a person running in a sphere. 5ft. Instead I thought I’d make something indoors —- but a month later nothing made yet. Three days before this event still nothing except the raft. I asked, What are the lifestyles I created from my accumulations for Grace gallery?
What I made is from Naomi Klein’s covid-19 message… quoting Milton Friedman, “what was lying around…”.
So magic is stewarded by LoBS. Not by design but by living Lifestyle of Beneficial Succession (LoBS happened).
As we set up the accumulation of Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession (LoBS) what I might normally have seen this as miraculous. It is also good design decisions that lead LoBS. LoBS builds more chances for exponential serendipities.
As earth’s societies grow more in the direction of LoBS, As our planet of people grow LoBS the better we are. Earth-being serendipities will happen more often. Today when we say “that was magic” or “that was a miracle” in the future, with LoBS lifestyles, the magic will be interwoven as a byproduct of everyday life.
“Dreaming is planning” so dream big LoBS. lifestyles of beneficial succession.
4pm Show time.
15 min fb live feed. Click image. (opens in new window)
raft 2020: Italo Morelli:
Gaia: em-1 MudBall amulet by dd. 2019
Boy on bike: Earthschool class participant, Amulets 2018.
Scoby awning: dd from Brennan Cavanaugh’s Scoby donations 2020.
Scoby sail: dd from Scoby donation Ray Sage 2017.
Echinacea dry: Chris and Alexia Campos Garden 2020.
Mussels, blue crabs from Rockaway Jamaica Bay Victory Farm w Seedball.us 2018.
Mussels threaded together by Parson’s student for the Hydroponic Vortex in the Garbagia show 2018.
Bladderwrack kelp & seaweed & seawater defrosted from Brighton beach trip w JK & Sonia 2017.
Bike wheels from Christmas tree bike delivery 10th & First 2012.
Pond from Campos garden from Chris Batonhorst.
East River Water fetch by me with Sonia Pena during Covid.
Air Pump stored at Italo’s for 10yrs.
At Grace Exhibition Space: 182 Ave C. NY NY
For Felicia Young’s Ecological City Pageant 2020.
Check out 100’s 0f other Pageant offerings. https://www.facebook.com/EarthCelebrations
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