EM-1 Uses
This is a good overall resource for using the beneficial bacteria EM-1. This was sent out as a response for settlement use at Occupy 2011. Also mentioned for the pooping potential solutions discussed but never materialized. Not sure what they did when McD’s was closed.
EM-1 bacteria solution loves waste. Shig brings it on straight.
Suggestions on Use of EM-1 and bokashi (fermented bran):
By Shig Matsukawa October 12, 2011
for human waste buckets (5-gallon buckets):
– sprinkle bokashi as you would to ferment food waste (maybe a handful each time)
– or start with 5-6 fl oz of Activated EM (AEM) which should be enough per 5-gal bucket.
Either of these should help with odor as well as start breakdown in a more beneficial way.
– amount of bokashi (fermented bran, or better yet, fermented leaves): about 1 lb of bokashi per 5-gal bucket of human waste (which is same quantity for food waste).
for general odor problems (from urine, to clothes and body odor):
– keep around spray bottles of water with Activated EM (1 fl oz of AEM per quart spray bottle of water)
for cleaning, use same spray bottles above:
– for doing spray-and-wipe cleaning of surfaces (tables, wood, plastic, ceramic, including tarp, cloth, etc.)
– to reuse plastic eating utensils (if prefer, use stronger ratio: 10% AEM, 3.2 fl oz per quart of water)
for washing clothes:
– 1/2 cup of AEM per 10 gallons of water (or per laundry load if at laundromat); for heavy stains, let clothes, towels, sweaters, etc. sit overnight at 2 oz AEM per 3-5 gallons of water in a bowl or bucket.
for treating greywater and rainwater:
– add about 1% of AEM by volume.
– or add about 1-2 fl oz of AEM per gallon of water when washing dishes or rinsing vegetables.
as hand sanitizer:
– use same spray bottle of AEM (if prefer, at the stronger ratio as above 10% AEM).
general ratio quantities:
– use between 1% to 10% of AEM to water to be both effective and cost-efficient.
– 1%-2% for general applications, waste and general cleaning (0.32-0.64 oz/quart, 1.28-2.56 oz/gallon)
– 10% for areas of concern, rinsing foods, hand sanitizing, utensils, strong malodors (3.2 oz/qt, 12.8 oz/gallon)
– if 10% is too much (if AEM usage goes too fast), then a 3%-5% should suffice)
– in most cases, 1%-2% should work fine.
It is recommended that EM-1 be kept on hand (such as the 5-gallon cubitainer):
– for making AEM on a continual basis (below is recipe link).
– for emergencies: for people to drink to deal with food poisoning, stomach flu, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
at Occupy (within the following PDF file on Recycle Food Waste):
– use bokashi to pickle food waste, then the fermenting food waste can be kept in 5-gal. buckets airtight for a long while since it’s ‘pickling’ until it can be used (grow foods in planters locally, worm bins and feed tree pits and local landscape with the resulting worm compost); collect the fall leaves to make bokashi or to mix in with worm bins.