EM in Mudballs developed by Dr. Higa

Click the book for a text from Dr. Higa who developed the EM.

Dr. Higa Excerpt from link:

As you will come to understand in greater detail as you read this book, used for agricultural purposes, EM has the ability to turn any type of soil, deserts included, into good, arable land capable of producing harvests many times greater than the current yield, and this totally without the use of pesticides, agricultural chemicals or artificial fertilizers of any kind. It might be immodest on my part to make such a claim, but the agricultural use of EM would seem to provide the ideal natural method of organic farming we have been dreaming about for so long, and it is my hope that it will come to be used in this way on a global scale. I believe the general use of EM agricultural methods has the potential to generate happiness for the individual in all nations everywhere. the realization of personal happiness for all individuals would constitute a positive move that would carry us away from the current social order with its basis on confrontation and competition, and bring us a step nearer to a world united in coexistence and co-prosperity. If this could be achieved, it would mean the end to an age where the principle of military dominance has held sway, and it is my belief that EM has no small role to play at this time of such major changes in the history of the human race.

Technologies and concepts, like that of EM, needed for problem-solving in the coming age of coexistence and universal co-prosperity–even to those for solving something like the energy problem–already exist. All that is required now is to devise a basic structure to ensure they will be used in an absolutely correct manner in the future. I am not for one moment claiming EM to be the panacea for all Earth’s problems, but it is my hope that this book will provide the layman or anyone not intimately connected with the field with some understanding of a technology which is already becoming established as one of the trends in the newly unfolding history of humanity.

Teruo Higa
Okinawa, Japan, August 1993

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