3/10 EVWC Voice & Movement
We have to introduce her to Rian, at IlluminaEast. She melted when we told her about the ho’oponopono meditation and his singing with the harmonium.
Also she wants us to teach her the beautiful Naam series. She said, “you mean I’m not holding the poses.” She heard from a participant how wonderful it was. The mixture of chanting and moving simultaneously followed by singing together w breath & meditation. Laura sparkles with tiny smile throughout the series which seemed to stay lit.
We suggested participants bring a special rock or crystal. It was so sweet to see the stones and items ppl hold value in. We passed the around to experience their qualities plus chocolate covered treats. :0) thank you all for all of those small wonders.
After such a special day participants are inspired to share with others and sparked to add more. So in the future at some point there will be a Patch Adams workshop. Inspired by Nadette.
I love how this community continues to lift people to new heights.
I know Patch’s work. I went to a retreat led by him and his partner in ‘09, an inspiring musician and urban designer, Susan Parenti. It was a great NYrs retreat with them at the Gesundheit Institute in the snowy WV Mountains. They offered a workshop together. We were asked to turn to the person, stranger, next to us to practice repeating “I love you”. Then later on we learned and practiced how to hug a stranger for at least a full breath. (I’ve always called these Santa Cruz hugs.)
Patch takes clowns to disaster zones & hospitals here & other countries to care for people — to just be there for them. No words necessary. He has amazing stories from this life. He is a Dr and maybe founder of “Clowns Without Borders”. His intake with new patients is two hours at least. He never made money off the Robin Williams film unfortunately. His hospital is still an architectural drawing and a dream.
We welcome Nadette to offer this work in the future.
Jocelyn Perez Blanco shared three books on the many uses of invasive species. It’s as if they knew the earth system needs their help. If we could only see invasives as a bountiful gift that is past due on harvesting.
I look forward to April Second Sunday will be outside with the Spring Awakening festivities.
What we might manifest? It is always an improvisation of serendipities.
Let’s us know what you want to bring.
Check out Rian’s classes and all the many other special teachers. IlluminaEast!
New yoga & meditation studio, second floor.
I asked to offer a karma yogi hour to grow the regenerative culture.
I look forward to meet more teachers. We can say hi to each other as we pass in the park.
How can we strengthen our “hello, hi culture”.
The “How are you? culture”.
Next blog
Dee Dee
Laura Sewell taught Naam Health Series and is the Executive Director of the East Village Community Coalition on Ave B & 9th St. Stay in touch with EVCC! Join their email list.
Rian Bodner, offered Kundalini singing Meditation with his beautiful voice and harmonium. He studio is Illumina East http://illuminaeast.com/. It’s on Ave B 6 & 7th St upstairs. Look for his offerings this summer at 6B garden.
Wendy Henry offered ear seeds. Book Wendy for an acupuncture treatment. She works out of Union Square office and for corporations in their building’s where staff can easily access treatments.
Thank you Sudio55C for offering us a place to meet in the cold months.
Next is 4/14 outside Ave C
Next is Sat. 5/11 outside at El Jardin Del Paraiso.
Page Link http://moscollective.net/WP/evwc-voice-movement/