Express Your Joy Here
Wow, thank you Charles & LUNGS team for working so hard to make this incredible street plaza happen.
At the East Village Wellness Circle offerings I saw that we a special something to the Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens street Experiment. I saw Joy beaming out of us. (I didn’t wonder too far but I’m sure all the volunteer offerings were beaming bc we are only offering it if we live the idea of sharing whatever it is.
Many were in the parade and the opening circle sounded magical JK!
Thanks for the sod Christopher and the women who wrote the check for it. Thanks for installing the salvaged plants from Bowel Moving. Amazing, the hay bales—- Beautiful set up.
Kristina (IlluminaEast) yoga was beautifully loving. It came at a perfect time. Enjoyed the buzzing metaphor. Literally creating vibration like buzzing bees.
Laura became the manifestor for dd’s Butterfly Chair Sound Lounge. She happened upon that record player after I put the call out. Carolyn helped w electricity. Christopher cords, plus a Carmen’s garden volunteer.
Loved all the individual offerings & teachings by with Wenting, and Jocelyn w herbalists. Saw Chana, Jimmy, David, Peter, Nadette, Sonia, Marie, Wendy H, sharing what they enjoy doing with others. Kids chalked the ground perfectly. Lots of Total joy machines. Wendy B too on the other block and Christopher. Saw Marga, Simin, welcomed Derek & Dani back, Joanne was healed. Betty, Magali, Roger, Karin, Sharon (did you bring the empty tequila bottles for lamp making?), Bill x-up. Saw a group w Jk who all sent “the directions” back. We had Alexis there through her Lenape corn seeds
The teens dance performance on the sod, with random kids running through. The hula hoop kids, jimmy painting faces, JK, Jimmy and others barefoot on the grass. Note: the robin was the first creature on the grass… lots of good worms inside. Dan T teaching the Hawks while standing over the underground stream he tours.
Village Building
I appreciated all the simultaneous sharing — like a village plaza. Glad everyone knows how to go with the flow.
We were in a place where everyone was seen while sharing, doing and being in their joy.
Our globe has become more physically separate increasingly for decades to learn about the world, to ask and experiment on how do we come together better & better. The internet and communication are what will bring us back together into more wholistic world.
Meanwhile in our separated worlds, in nyc, we intentionally make safe places to be in our bliss since it is so needed. So much time is spent connecting through the devices as we learn how to save the world.
As we cycle through life: its entropy & syntropy, to share our joy safely takes many teams in coordinated effort to continually “create place”, gardens, intentional spaces. They more we repeat this the more spaces become safe for experience, expressions and experiments. Then one day maybe all space will be safer for all ppl to express joy always.
It’s not easy to throw a party like this with an 8 person team. Share your feedback of the experience here. Your future ideas of support. If you see a gap in the experience maybe you fill it or know a way to fill it. Or we can all “ask” for it to be filled next time. (Not every question needs to be answered or a solution right away.)
5/11: The next volunteer teams are needed for EVWC /El Jardin/ MoS / Kimberly & Maika’i’s Parsons Classes gather to create a Regenerative Village that will create the container for the EVWC wellness offering for the Ecological City. (It’s like a Mudball Ball.)
Bring your doing that brings your joy to this space that day
Noon 12-3:30
3:30 to 5pm
to river for bioremediation sculpture installation, music, dance and lots of people.
We will throw 1 hidden crate of mudballs that Shig has protected. El Jardin might build a new stockpile of nine crates for the college to decide how to use. I have suggestions for use.
I’d like us to have dedicated space to stockpile: seeds, seed balls, mudballs, Mycology fungi, clean dirt, and biodigesting.