The Fall Mud Ball Activity People

Fall Mud Ball List of
Involved as of 9/17

The Masters of Succession Collective presents
The Ephemeral Piazza & The Fall Beneficial MudBall Beneficial Mud Ball
Sunday Oct 5th: A celebration of bioremediation & Symbiosis. FALL BALL INVITE HERE:

Participants so far for the #14fallmudball @moscollective

DD Maucher: Executive, Chief, Chair, Maestro of Ceremonies, Oversees: everything invisible and visible.  It’s development of the mind of DD to build a neighborhood of like minded people working in beneficial succession. Resident of MoS Town and Mud Village where all these piazza’s and Mud Balls take place.

in participation with Smiling Hogshead Ranch, Gil Lopez President of the Ranch and Resident at Flux Factory, Participating with Gil’s participation in the Utopia School at Flux.

Mud Transit:

Transit available:
For AP’s: Smiling Hogshead Ranch Cargo Trailer and A bike kiddie carrier of kids or cargo.
Drop off times for activity items- some storage available.  Contact us for drop off times.


1. KAYAK: Morning kayaking Photo Bio Blitz with HarborLAB Educators and Scientists. limited Canoes/Kayaks. They will be recording their studies at the Piazza on a map. Sign up at or FB

2. BIKE:
Every-Week-is-Climate-Week Ride. We are riding bikes in a fancy tour to the Mud Ball from Tompkins Square!
Show up at Gaia Tree at 2pm/ 500 E 9th St NY NY: 
Bring your Fall Seed Balls, Beneficial Mud Balls, oyster shells and ok, bring your compost too.

3. JC’s Mud Ball PediCab: contact to get a picked up at the 7 train or look for Mud Ball Transit.’

4. SAIL & STAY from CtandemeerT to NYC. Leave the car at home.  Stay aboard 57 Ft Ketch Yacht from Sat – Monday! Celebrate Bioremediation & Symbiosis. Contact us below.

International Rescue Group. Providing first-line support and humanitarian aid to disaster-hit coastal communities. The Tandemeer.   CONTACT MOS.

Soil Ripples:

12-05-27-0849 copyPaul Mankiewicz, PHD Biochemistry. Gaia Institute and Gaia Soil for green roofs. Q/A support. Wealth of knowledge and experience in building green cities.

Anne Apparu and Edward Hall: Seedball,us: PharmSeed Game planting the future pharmacy.

Resources: seeds saving, dirt and clay
By-products: flowers, medicinals replanted in our environments, bioremediation of self and environment. Contemplative ease people.

20140924-163722.jpgCaspar Hanak: Tomato can planters with soil creations.
Sub-irrigated tomato pizza sauce cans reclaimed to grow tomatoes for more pizza. Same cans but he has changed his mind. He will now make Rocket Stoves to heat up hot drinks and soups since it will be in the 60’s.

Resources: growing soil ingredients, big tin cans used in pizza shops
By-products: more tomatoes for pizza eating. Hot things to warm people up.


20140924-164221.jpgGreg Todd, members of the ephemeral piazza:
Cob stomping to make an outdoor pizza and bread oven. Mud, sand and straw, newspaper. Imani Garden:

Resources: dirt, water and straw and stomping feet
By-products: a clay to build bricks or an oven for food… pizza. Invigorated people

Marie Argeris: herbal baths salts with herbs from the garden and sea salt.
– Surprise guest from Utopia School with special ephemeral piazza detox tincture.

Resources: Medicinals growing at the farm, information about herbs, processing tools.

By-products: salty herbal water and glowing skin

Everyone: Food and Drink
Contribution TBA
Visitors and residents help with food abundance: Share a favorite dish with everyone. Bring a serving utensil. There will be a table with plates and supplies for EATING.

Oysters to eat — Save the shells

by-gil-IMG_5245-fJudith K Canepa & Marie Argeris: Oyster Shell Crushing. El of Jardin del Paraiso

Resources: oyster shells, mallet or heavy crushing tool, soft sturdy cover.
By-products: oyster dust and invigorating people, calcium rich soil.

Mud Village Earthworks:

Gil Lopez: Mycoremediation Using Waste Products: Mycoremediation is the practice of using fungi and mushrooms for remediation. Trying 2 different inoculation strate. He will be cleaning our environment with beneficial mycelial networks and the myco-meteorites.

Resources: fungus, mycelium, cardboard, coffee grinds, drier lint, hair, fingernails, newspaper, pizza boxes, old clothes, Ann’s Super Egg Balls.
By-products: bioremediation with myceloim and selves. mushroom growing.

Ann Lee : “Egg Carton Super Ball!” made by Gil Lopez from his Mycometeorites: Make your own or help him make many.

Resources: innovative design minds, impatient people who eat eggs
By-products: beautiful balls for combining, for lighting or design elements, less land fill.

CALL for MAKING FABRIC Items FROM Kombucha waste.

– Spiro of Beyond Kombucha  He movedand we have space for fermented drinks and a fabric maker with the waste.
Resource needed Kombucha, and scoby/mothers, mushrooms. sugar, tea. containers
Waste: Scobies to compost for soil at SHR

bystephenK-14mubdall-mball-make6Bokashi Mud Balls: Ernest Shigeki Matsukawa Over seeing making of the EM-1 Mud Balls that revitalize the waterways. Working with EM-1: a solution of yeast, lacto bacillus, and phototrophic bacteria. Also collecting creek water samples to start at test.

Resources: Dirt, fermented bran, EM-1 food based microorganisms.
By-products: bioremediation of environment, others and selves. Cleaner water.

Mud Village Healing Arts
Sonja Folk music busking

Resources: instruments people
By-products: vibrations, Frequencies & Vocal Vibrations

William Kaye: Rolphing

Resources: training education, practice, participants
By-products: joyful relieved people

– Acumobile: Wendy Zena Henry, Rachel and Brigit: Ear Acupuncture

Resources: certified NYS, education in Acupuncture, sterile needles and alcohol, participants
By-products: healthier people

and a smooth,
easy going piazza of people.

by-gil-IMG_5234-fEmpathic World: Ernest Shigeki Matsukawa: Shig can be engaged in conversation regarding his work on the Empathic (

Mud Village Design, Recycle & Design

Wardrobe Closet: Rolando with reclaimed wearable art. We will have paper MudBall Gown Hats by Lisa Shaub and Felt Mud Ball concept hats by Miki Katagiri.

Kappo Kappino: Recycle and Pray: TEAR & WEAR  Recycled fashions to wear, maker of “The Giant Mudball: Silent Advocate”, Founder of Dehli Women’s Co-op Art Shop “KABAD SE JUGAD”, which means improvisation from waste.

Resources: trash plastic, tin, waste pickers, observations on who homeless people dress with tearing materials and wearing them. Making artistic comment of fashion.
By-products: waste pickers with higher income potential, useful products from trash, less recycling, and less landfill, empowered people.

DD Maucher: lots of fabric to drape and wrap with Rolando. Style people in mud ball regalia. Make capes and ball attire, bring regal opulence to the commons. We wear beautiful fabrics for ritual, celebratory fantastica. We are apart of the eco system, one big organism.  We mix opulence with mud so we need mud boots. The preciousness of the gowns allow breath, flow,  dance.  Then take all that and mix the opulence of healthy soil, water and lots of great food and art. It’s Elizabethan in character with notes of the old world succession of a Kings and all that hubbub.  Join us in the fun of mixing it all up– bringing order back to chaos. succession back to soil, even if just for a moment,  rethink it all and let’s start spiraling upward.

(I know that was confusing).

Resources: Material from excess
By-products playful fun people who love moving about in these fabrics.

Face painting: Close your eyes and enjoy a paintbrush message. It’s meditative for both artist and recipient. It’s often practiced with music,
Water based paints and plant pigments, people
By-products: relaxed, free creative expressive people joyful expression

Fireworks: Glow in the dark painted faces on the move.

 Judith K Canepa: Fractail Toast after 7pm,
Resources: information on problems of the pipeline.
By-products: information and inspiration to resist & insist on viable alternative

Mud Village Information
Green Map: DD for Wendy Brawer: lower East Side flooding line maps and map of native settlements

Resources: research people finding information and careful data transcription & graphics
By-products: maps that show the flood-lines and the land as it was when native settlements we on lower Manhattan.

Todd Colburn: Short video clips of participants
Resources: equipment, office. software, skill, people with cool Beneficial Succession projects
By-products: the dissemination of their work in real time video, eventually illustrating the inter-connectivity of the activities. More people learn how to be human minded when designing and how that builds a more leisurely society. Waste: computer / office / video waste.

Mud Village Tall Tales:

– Judith K Canepa & Marie Argeris: “The Story of Toad” Live woven throughout! Look for the character and watch the story unfold.  Amelia.

Resources: imaginations, empathic people,
By-products: empathy and understanding
, imagination people

Mud Village Shops
– MoS Fermented starter samples or preorder.
– Kombucha
– Kombucha scobies: Mothers  moved
– Water Kefir Grains
– Flower Art to order from Ladies Coop in India
– Oysters
– beer and wine
– other things

Mud Village Beneficial Ball Fundraising:
We know there are at least some people living below their means who can contribute to the expenses of this experience with us. It is our goal to spend little actually money buying new things. Only supplies necessary to build quality and eat quality food. We pass on little need to get the ROI but we are not there yet. We are building a group of like minded people who work together to share more more often. We are teaching by doing not by teaching. Please com do what you do along side of us — our human organism. 

Checks to Inside Momentum. PayPal email dd at moscollective [net]

Thanks for help goes out to
Casper, Shig, Chana, Gil, Casper, Italo, Rolando, T
Flux Factory, Jami, Helen, Erik, Stewart, Marie, Stephanie, Amelia, EG, Erik, Greg, Uma, Anne &

Help! The town wants you! Volunteers contact us!

RSVP Please

Group rsvp-tickets
Kids free, elders free, under living wage free. $17 donation.

A PICNIC: BRING a dish if so inspired or bring money for the money puppet!


BOOK The THE GIANT MUD BALL: The Modest Advocate! Book this Giant Prop Mud Ball for appearances for events, meetings, for all occasions. Yes, it just sits there to exude good thoughts. It comes with MudBall Ball invitations and optional escort.

GENERAL Partcicipantship: contact us.

• JOIN US IN 2015
The Spring Mud Ball Beneficial Mud Ball and next year at FIGMENT
for an Ephemeral Piazza Last week-end in May and Fist week end in June: The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls at Figment on Governors Island next to Castle Williams. Toss the fermented mud balls into the water.

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