Family Farmers vrs Monsanto
Some members of MoS went down to Foley Square to support the Farmers as they came out of court on Tuesday am. It was an inspiring day.
These family farmers had come along way for this day. (This is just the beginning). They were not happy and very disappointed in the behavior of the judge.
Noted by Dave Murphy, who was in the courtroom:
I know that there was a feeling of disappointment by some after the hearing and wanted to pass along what our lawyer said. He felt it was a good sign that the judge was engaged with the details of the case as she was and that it was to be expected for her to ask tough questions of both sides.
There were a lot of cameras but no TV news trucks. No fighting, no crazies, no nudity, no violence so no news. Just intelligent, informed people. We were amongst 50 farmers who grow America’s best food, protect and cultivate our best seeds.
I heard people felt as if the judge was bought out from the start — noted smile toward the Monsanto folks. Monsanto side was noted saying “All these farmers have behind them is a movie called ‘Food, Inc.'”
It’s all n the delivery. That documentary film opened a lot of eyes informing people about the bad practices taking place. It is only one of many like-minded documentaries. People need to know how their food is being made.
I can’t say a lot about what happened inside but I was outside and the farmers who came were inclined to speak-out to the public– they had something to say. Each farmer was speaking just beneath a cracking heartbroken voice. It wasn’t what they said but how they said it.
Maybe there is no way out. We are all fucked by the mysterious ways of Monsanto. It was just announced that both Wholefoods and Stoneyfield have crumbled under the pressure. They agreed to stop battling Monsanto. 2/3rds of Wholefoods food sales are from conventional GMO seeds and Monsanto’s Round Up pesticide must be applied. Only 1/3 of the food there is whole and organic: free of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. I have been raised on chemical foods.
Monsanto started their empire in 1900 and their time is up — unless they slowly poison me first. My mother grew up being sprayed with DDT to kill bugs at the beach. ( who made DDT?) That was proven safe too. Cigarettes too were known to be good for health.
In the future, the next civilization will talk about ours. They poisoned themselves and went extinct. Throughout time that is the pattern. Each civilization makes a mistake– this is only one of ours.
When the videos come out I will post them. This moment, when the farmers and people were crushed by the behemoth, brought out sounds from farmers hearts, years of sacrifice, hope and hard work.
Thankfully there was a huge crowd outside waiting to cheer them for their efforts. After the farmers spoke, consumers spoke out. The need to get the word out. To inform the people was a must. They can’t do it alone. People left more uplifted and empowered to keep up the work. It will take time to inform and educate the millions who only watch TV for news. (At least we get better TV news than the Chinese.)
If the GMO’s are so good why not label them? Usually when a product has a recognizable benefit producers and advertisers cover the food with statements. In the case of GMO food, never have I seen any sticker or label boasting GMO.
Why is the labeling kept out of the point of purchase? Maybe because It is unknown the results of eating GMO foods. All I know is that i have more than one reason to not buy conventional unlabeled GMO foods– because the makers stubbornly refuse to label it; they buy out opposition; they blackmail small farmers to buy their seeds and are forced to use Round-up which in-turn kills the natural biodiverse micro-nutrient rich soil they have cultivated over sweat and tears. And yes, kills “soul” (my phone-made its’ typo contribution). Lastly, because we can taste the difference.
Is there a conclusion… the wealthy can afford real food and the less get the toxic food (okay so at least they have food unlike in third world countries). . Actually many who have less money that grow their own food are healthier. Wealthy are more inclined to eat what is sold to them. Those who know their farmers are the privileged. Those who support the people who bring them their local food are the well off.
I will vote for more good seeds and local food grown everywhere, planted by every civilian everywhere. This way there will can be an abundance of food choices. Build soil from food waste, share heirloom seeds, grow food in pots or in the ground. We can start practicing now. Just practice with one. Try arugula, strawberries, tomatoes, garlic or kale– that’s all I ask– do it now while can run to the store. Oh and while you are there take a moment for a little direct action: label the GMO’s –tee hee hee.
How to Avoid GMO’s:
There is an app for the Iphone called Shop No GMO… it lists a lot of products containing no GMO’s : for more information.
Photos of Dave and Lisa, co-founders are shown speaking. Photos of individuals in the OWS Food Justice group. They worked closely with Food Democracy Now to bring people out. They made the time line, pr poster and supportive signs. Gratitude is abundant.
I have no photos of the farmers because what they said had me captivated and I forgot. There will be plenty from others.