FBS ‘24: Day 14 First Rain

FBS ‘24 Day 14: First rain.

The mycelium is still white. I’m hoping to see mushrooms. That would be great. These blue oyster blocks have already flushed twice. They could fruit this fall, said Anne Apparu-Hall.

Oyster Fungi blocks day 14 tildal sand bar

Oyster Fungi blocks day 14 at low tide on sand bar



Today, rethinking my mussel cage but mostly just moving the “Banquet for the Estuary” inside the MoS MoBS LoBS Lab – Bus.

Herons. I saw four in formation flying over my head today. That means very good communication is present. (Humm)

The mussels (and snails)
… still alive as of yesterday. Thinking with chat GPT options to make better home for them w larger openings for bigger tiny food to enter. Rain will help oxygenate that protected area. They only have 6 inches of room to live.  The big snail might like to go for an over the water walk. A tear drop Hersey’s Kiss shape might be easiest if I have the flex mesh that doesn’t break down into microplastics. For the science parts I have to use some plastic until there are people on my sphere who have the resilient bio materials in excess to share.

Chat got mussel cage advice

Chat got mussel cage advice

FBS Seal was in low tide yesterday and today. Tide went extra high yesterday and today.

Rain wilk help preserve the willow. Mud balls will dissolve in water.

The Fungi block on the raft likes the gentle rain — welcome moisture.  I’ll go out to empty the plastic packaging after the rain. Possibly take the plastic off all together—if it’s mostly done fruiting.

I’ve had blue oyster mushrooms in my sauté dinners a lot. If anyone would like some I have plenty to go around.


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