FBS Seal: Day 13 Resources


Myco-hair-boom filled.

FBS-24: Myco-hair-boom filling it.

FBS-24: Myco-hair-boom filling it w blue oyster mushroom block crumbles.

Mixed the twice flushed blue oyster fungi block with the fleece from Ashokan Center goats.
really the thickest yet. Maybe too big for this sculpture. I imagined a bit less diameter and longer. Maybe I’ve in the water will be ok. It’s very heavy.
Still to do the other one.  That was both bags of fleece.  It will take the other two bags of angora to fill the other tube.


Kevin, doing the metal roof, adding two hokes to mussel Esopus Seal Sign

Kevin, doing the metal roof, adding two hokes to mussel Esopus Seal Sign

The milkweed stalk stockpiling to make twine with the skin fibers. Added to the Esopus Banquet.

The milkweed stalk stockpiling to make twine with the skin fibers. Added to the Esopus Banquet.

Esopus banquet flowers from neighbor Emily’s generous flower garden.  We need color here!

Esopus banquet flowers from neighbor Emily’s generous flower garden. We habe color here! Yay!

FBS Day 13 Possible material for mussel propagation cage

FBS Day 13 Possible material for mussel propagation cage

Page link: http://wp.me/p2bm5T-5Dp

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