Fest of Ideas: Mapping Local NYC Abundance
Mapping to others for abundance
New Museum Festival of Ideas for a New City:
Saturday, May 7
Taking care of ourselves, others and as a bi-product we are taking care of the environment.
Connecting to Self:
Liz of Raganella botanicals will be demonstrating how to make your own body products.
Connecting to Others:
At the Masters of Succession tent Marga of FireFly Concierge with Dee Dee, Instigator at MoS Collective, will be Mapping Local NYC Abundance with the help of Keat. We want to connect people to their neighborhoods abundance of resources and map your favorite local NYC places.
Connecting to the Environment:
Shig will be showing how to ferment food waste and to make mud balls that clean the water.
Annie will be offering her special Mompost compost and will have copies of her book Gastropolis.